Chapter 10

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If you're lonely, come be lonely with me

«Ha-have w-w-we arrived?»

Riding cars was hell, for him. He always feared some other car would crash onto theirs, like that one did six years before, and kill them.

«Not yet, Em.» Lukas murmured, sighing. It was the thousandth time Emil asked if they were arrived.

«Em, you gotta be patient» Matthias chirped, «I didn't expect you to be this excited about going to therapy, though»

Emil frowned, he had a strong will to smash his head over the front seat at the moment, but didn't for his brother's sake. Apparently, between the two, Emil was the only one who got over hemophobia (he still was wondering how Lukas handled all the blood he saw after Em broke his nose). He liked teasing Lukas for that, but wasn't amusing at all.

Let's just say Lukas could beat the sh*t out of anyone verbally and even physically, if he wanted.

He was so anxious about therapy.
Yes, luckily he still had that one of three years before, but was she the right one? Like, he used to be very satisfied about their sessions...but people change over the years, and Emil couldn't help but asking himself how did she look now.

Mrs. Eriksson, that was her name.
Maybe she was still the short, curvy and nice woman, maybe she changed. How was Emil supposed to know? After the therapies he attended three years before, he's never seen her again.

The car got parked at one point, making Emil sigh in relief. At least they got there safely.
He stepped out of the vehicle, feeling kinda heavy.

Lukas tried to grab his hand, but Emil retrieved it really fast. Matthias couldn't help but chuckle, but Lukas punched him.

They got in the structure, checked in and got into the waiting room of that one office. Emil remembered all the times he went there as it was yesterday. He was excited about talking to someone who listened to him all the time and didn't tease him in any way. At one point, when they finally decided it wasn't doing anything, he left therapy and went on with his life.

He saw a guy getting out the office, then a really familiar voice said «Bondevik» out loud. Apparently it was his turn...
He looked at his family, then walked past the chairs of the waiting room and got in the office...Mrs. Eriksson just looked the same as three years before.

«Long time no see, Emil» she said, smiling, as Emil closed the door.

Emil didn't say anything, instead he just stood there and stared into mrs. Eriksson's green bright eyes.

«come on, take a seat.»

Emil looked at the other side of the office, noticing she changed the armchairs. Damn, the others were so comfy! Why did she change them?

He sat on one of the armchairs, getting comfortable, when even mrs. Eriksson sat down.

«it's lovely to see you again, look at how tall you've got!» she exclaimed, «now, tell me, what brought you in therapy again?»

Emil looked down to his feet, «I-I-I'm not o-ok.»

« there any problem? What is making you feel like you're not ok?» mrs. Eriksson kept smiling, as she scribbled on her clipboard.

Emil thought a bit, «i-i-it's that...I-I feel s-s-so lonely. I'm g-g-getting homeschooled s-since people at s-s-school kept hurting and teasing m-m-m-me, so I-I'm even lonlier...»

«I see. Tell me more, how have you been feeling recently? When did this loneliness start?»

Emil looked outside the window, «it w-was a long t-t-time ago, w-when I start-ted high s-school. I d–idn't have a-a-any friend, y'know...»

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