Chapter 11

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Underneath the pale moonlight

Their voices stuck in his head.

That nagging, weird voice and that british accent that he found weird. He honestly wanted to see them, but he felt too shy...
Maybe he could try to sneak up to the corner of the corridor and peek his head on the living room, where there was the dining table.
Where the three odd people were sitting, and chatting, and drinking tea and coffee.

Matthias decided to go to the store and get some groceries, leaving Emil to his destiny in his bedroom.

So, the bored Norwegian got out of his room and peeked on the living room, as he planned to do.

Here they were...that vampire, the Eyebrowed One (Matthias called him like that, referring to his rather thick eyebrows) and that coffee addict of his brother.

They looked so extravagant.

Vlad had messy, strawberry blond hair and  brown shiny eyes. It looked like he was always smiling, and his skin was really light, like Emil's. He wasn't that tall, he was about a meter and seventytwo centimetres.
He was he jokester of the trio, and he was rather mischievous. Sometimes he pranked Emil, too, but it didn't happen much since Lukas would try to choke him.

Arthur had blond, short hair and his eyes were green like grass. He was sarcastic and short tempered, but still had a witty and kind side that he showed to his few friends. He had really thick eyebrows, and Emil thought the reason was as mysterious as his sexuality.

Oh...they started speaking about him.

«I have a problem with Em.» Lukas announced, direct. Vladimir almost choked on his tea as he wheezed.
«why are you laughing? I'm being serious!»

«that's weird, you two never have problems!» the Romanian said, sarcastically.

Did they really have that many problems?
Like...they had a big problem some time ago; basically Lukas obessed over the idea of Emil calling him "big brother" as he did when he was a kid.

Emil thought he freaked out at some point. It was so childish! Why would he call him that way? Couldn't they just use their names?

«this time it's worse,» Lukas took a sip of his coffee, «the thing is, yesterday he got diagnosed with clinical depression, and—»

«HE WHAT?!» Vladimir exclaimed, Arthur pocked his arm in an attempt to shut him up.

«shhh! He might hear us.» the Briton said.

If only he knew.

«I don't know how to act with him anymore...but I'd love to help him...»

«talk with him» Vladimir proposed, «squeeze him, hold his hands, cuddle him—»

«oh, dear God, Vlad, you even know I don't like physical contact...» Lukas mumbled, kind of mad.

«maybe you should let him be for a little bit.» Arthur said, «maybe I can try to speak to him.»

«what makes you think he'll even want to speak to you?» Lukas snapped, «he doesn't even know you.»


His brother sighed.
«first room next to the bathroom.»

Emil flinched and ran back to his room, trying to be as fast as possible but st the same time not to make any sound.

He got into his room and unplugged his phone from the charger, he thought it made him look kind of busy.

And then he heard a knock on the door.

«hey, Em» he heard the Briton, «it's me, Arthur. Wanna talk?»

«c-c-come in.» he said quietly, hoping Arthur understood.

So the door opened, and Arthur got in.
He looked at him for a little bit - Emil tried to fake he was texting someone -, then he approached him and put a hand on his shoulder.

Emil put the phone back on his bed-side table, then he looked into Arthur's green eyes.

There was an awkward silence, apparently both didn't know what to say.

«listen,» Arthur finally spoke up, «Lukas told me about your depression. I'm really sorry, y'know?»

Emil hummed, not knowing what to say.

«and...since we both know he's not good at socialising, I offered to come here and talk with you. May we sit down?»

Emil nodded, so they sat down on his bed and he grabbed a random pillow.
He loved pillows so much. They were soft and he could hide his face in them when he cried.

«tell m-m-me m-more.» he mumbled.

«he told me that he'd love to heko you, but he doesn't know how to act with you anymore.»


«how do you think he should act?» Arthur asked, wrapping Emil's shoulders with his arm.

«j-just as he a-a-always a-acted.» he said, so quietly Arthur had to lean over him to hear.

«Hmmm, thank you» Arthur said, then he looked around and smiled, «you've got a cool room, kid»

Emil stared at him and cringed internally, kid.



«w-why d—id you l-l-leave Leon?» he asked impulsively, without thinking.

Arthur went silent and got paler. He looked at his feet and stopped hugging Emil.

«how do you know about Leon?» he asked, actually surprised the younger knew him.

«it's a l-l-long s-story.» Emil said to avoid explainings.

«my friend, Francis, forced me to put him up for adoption.» Arthur sighed.

Oh, Emil knew Francis. He was that french pervert that once called him out for being so quiet...honestly he didn't find him nice.
Matthias did. They used to hang out a lot in the past, but at the moment he liked more two other guys, Alfred F. Jones and Gilbert...Bilschmit? That was supposed to be his last name.

«w-w-why, though?»

« see, what now is his brother, Yao, kept insisting because he wanted so much to have Leon in his, at the end, Francis forced me to put him up for adoption and we never spoke again. I wonder if he's ok...»

Emil stayed silent for more or less two minutes.

«he's f-f-fine» he said, «he's g-g-got a b—ig and loving f-family and a f-f-fvck ton o-of friends»

«how do you know all this?» Arthur asked, kind of suspicious.

Emil grabbed his phone and opened Whatsapp, then found the chat and scrolled it to the first time they texted.

Arthur was speechless.
And Emil could understand. He would be speechless too if he found out his friend's brother was a friend of the son he had long ago.

«I'm glad he's doing fine.» he finally said, «now, Em, I gotta go back to my friends, or they'll think you ate me»

He chuckled, then walked up to the door, «stay well» he said as he got out the room.

Yes, I had to write about the big brother thing.


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