10: Waiting For the Baby

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Sam thought about Luna's warning a lot during the following months.

Sam, as any dog, was very sensitive to her humans' manners. She believed that the tone of love that had always been in their voices, even when they said "no", was missing now, as if they simply forgot about her existence.

For the following months, Sam was a bystander in whatever awkward antics her humans put themselves in.


Sam watched as Jim Dear was trying to check a delivery date on the calendar.

JIM DEAR: Now, let's see. That'll be about... oh well. There isn't anyway we can tell for sure what's it gonna be, is there?

DARLING: I'm afraid not. Nobody ever knows for certain. All we can do is hope.

Darling was writing down girl names. They weren't very imaginative: Becky Sue, Becky Jane, Becky Sue Jane, Becky Jane Sue, Mary, Mary Sue...


Jim Dear had to deal with what Darling wanted to eat. It was the middle of the night and the middle of a blizzard.

JIM DEAR: Darling? Are you sure you want watermelon?

DARLING: Mhm. And some chop suey too.

JIM DEAR: Chop suey?! Oh alright!

Sam watched as Jim Dear walked into the blizzard.


Jim Dear and Darling were hosting a baby shower. The house was full of people chattering and laughing.

Sam walked into the women's room. The women were awwwwing over Rita Loud's baby, Lily, who had been born last November.

CAITLIN: That's the cutest little thing I ever saw.

LINDSAY: And that bonnet! Isn't she just adorable!

BETH: Don't you just love baby showers?

COURTNEY: Rita, I've never seen you look more beautiful.

BRIDGETTE: Isn't she absolutely radiant?

BETH: "Radiant"! Why, that's just what I told Harold yesterday!

LINDSAY: Golly! I said the same to Tyler!

BETH: "Harold" I said, "Rita looks radiant, positively radiant".

LINDSAY: And I said "Why, in all my days, I've never seen anyone as radiant as her".

Then Sam walked to the men's room.

DUNCAN: Jim, you look terrible!

JUDE: Absolutely horrible!

HAROLD: You're an absolute mess!

TYLER: I never saw ya look worse.

GEOFF: Cheer up, Jim. Ol' Doc Jones has never lost a father yet!

The men laughed.

As Darling's due date came closer, Sam felt more neglected. She was now eating from Liam, Zach and Rusty's homes, getting exercise from the Oldrings, baths from the Haydens and nail clippings and hair brushings from the Petronis.

But Sam never felt any resentment towards her humans, or even the baby. She just wanted life to go back to normal. She also began to see the truth in what Luna had said would happen when the baby arrived.

Sam thought of Luna quite often. It might be fun to go roaming with such a dog. Maybe, together, they could find love.

No. That was stupid. That was never going to happen.

MARCH 1955

In the middle of the night, Sam walked to Lincoln and walked through the little door on his porch.

SAM: Linc?

Lincoln woke up.

LINCOLN: Sam? Are you okay?

SAM: Is it true what Zach said? You have a little sister?

LINCOLN: Yeah. Her name is Lily.

SAM: Is life normal for you?

LINCOLN: Totally. Don't worry. Things will be normal for you soon.

Sam left.

APRIL 1955

Jim Dear was talking to his aunt, Carol Miller, on the telephone. The doctor had come in, his purpose was to tell Jim about the baby that had just arrived.

JIM DEAR: Yes, Aunt Carol, it's a boy! Uh-huh, a boy! What's that? Eyes? What color are they? Well, oh gosh! I-I forgot to look!

Jim Dear went up the stairs to where the doctor was.

JIM DEAR: A boy! It's a boy! It's a– doctor! Doctor! It's a boy!

DOCTOR: Yes, yes I know.

CAROL MILLER: Hello, hello Jim? Are you there Jim? Central, central, we've been cut off. Hello? Hello? Hello?

Alright, Sam thought. A baby boy. So did this mean a little brother?

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