23: Being in the Show

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Back with Luna, she was at the hidden club talking to Chunk. 

LUNA: And then I looked back and she was gone!

CHUNK: Did you catch the scent of the wagon?

LUNA: The wa– oh no! They took her to the pound?

CHUNK: You bet.

Luna was shocked. Chunk gave her a bone.

CHUNK: She'll be home. Give her this bone, she'll forgive you. Promise.

Meanwhile, the dogs of Loud Street and their humans were at the Nickelodeon Dog Show.

ANNOUNCER: Thank you for coming. Earlier today there were two dogs who had completely trashed the place. I thought I was gonna lose my audience!

RITA: Don't worry sir...

ANNOUNCER: And so, introducing...

LOLA: Okay girls, as we rehearsed.

Lincoln looked at Lola, who must've forgotten about him.

Lindsay walked up onstage with Leni.

LINDSAY: My Leni is never not fashionable!

TYLER (from offstage): Don't you mean unfashionable?

LINDSAY: Whatevs! She totes know what she's talking about, all the time! We have all the same outfits!

Leni proudly showed her outfit that matched perfectly with Lindsay.

The crowd applauded.

TYLER: Could me and Lynn come now, please?

LINDSAY: Of course you can!

Lindsay and Leni left the stage.

TYLER: My dog is better at sports than me. I don't know how she does it. Watch.

Tyler threw a frisbee to Lynn, and she caught it with her teeth. Tyler then threw a basketball and Lynn caught it with her paws mid-air, simultaneously winking at the audience.

TYLER: She can do a lot more, but that's all I got for now.

The crowd applauded.

COURTNEY: Uh... my dog is a clown in the body of a dog. Watch.

Courtney gave three tennis balls to Luan, who balanced them on her nose perfectly.

COURTNEY: She also laughs like a human. Watch; did you hear about the thief who stole a calendar? He got twelve months.

Luan began to cackle uncontrollably. The crowd oohed in amusement.

COURTNEY: As a CIT, I attempted making her sing along to my violin. She's more interested in playing practical jokes. Like this one time...

Luan gave a sweater to Courtney.

COURTNEY: Luan found this in the washing machine. She gave it to me when it was still wet.

The crowd laughed and applauded.

DUNCAN: Is it our turn now?

COURTNEY: Yes, it is.

LUCY: Oh joy.

Duncan and Lucy went onstage.

DUNCAN: My dog is the creepiest thing you will ever see. She also likes dark things. For example, I brought a wooden raven toy that she loves to sleep with.

Duncan put Lucy's wooden raven toy next to her. She began to make an "ooo" noise.

DUNCAN: I thinks she believes in ghosts. She just randomly looks at the wall sometimes.

The crowd applauded.

BRIDGETTE: Okay Lana, show them what you can do.

Lana began to nibble her hind paw, then lick her butt.

BRIDGETTE: Well, uh...

Bridgette took Hops the frog out of her travel bag.

BRIDGETTE: You want Hops?

Lana barked. Hops leapt out of Bridgette's hands and onto Lana's shoulder. He licked her nose.

Lana took her hat and placed it on her human's head.

BRIDGETTE: Lana! The floor is mud.

Lana rolled in the "mud". After she shook off the "mud", Hops showed Lana her hat. Hops leapt from it and onto her head!

The crowd applauded.

BRIDGETTE: Thank you! Thank you! Geoff! It's our turn!

Meanwhile, Lola was showing off herself to purse dogs.

LOLA: Chill, girls, chill. I was at the spa getting beautified.

GEOFF: Lola, it's our turn!

LOLA: Okay, no time to blabber. It's my time to shine.

Geoff and Lola walked onstage.

GEOFF: My girl knows every word I say. Lola, kneel.

Lola kneeled for her human.

GEOFF: Lola, baton.

Geoff gave Lola her baton and she twirled it with every trick she knew.

GEOFF: Swan Lake!

Geoff turned on Swan Lake on the radio, and Lola danced perfectly to it. When the music ended, she bowed to the applauding crowd.

Now it was Harold and Beth's turn with Lisa.

HAROLD: According to our calculations, this should be our turn.

BETH: Okay Lisa, if I take 4, multiply it by nine, and then divide that by 5, would I get a mixed number? High-paw if yes.

Lisa high-pawed Beth, meaning that yes, you would get a mixed number if you divided 36 by 5. The crowd applauded.


LORI: I have not seen Bobby in a week! Something happened to him, I know it!

LINCOLN: We don't know that for sure. He probably found another girl so he could be her Booboo Bear.

LORI: Nuh-uh! No one is Bobby's babe except for me!

Then Lincoln realized something... could he be in the pound? He knew exactly that he had to plan a pound breakout. Somehow. 

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