18: The Next Morning

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As the sun rose, Luna and Sam cuddled together. Sam then opened her eyes a little and noticed something.

SAM: Uh– oh no!

LUNA: What's wrong, dudette?

SAM: It's morning.

Luna stretched.

LUNA: And so it is.

SAM: I should've been home hours ago.

LUNA: Why? Because you still believe in that "ever faithful old dog" thing? Oh, come on dudette. Open up your eyes.

SAM: Open my eyes?

LUNA: To what a dog's life can really be! I'll show ya what I mean.

Luna walked to the edge of the hill.

LUNA: Look down there. Tell me what ya see.

Sam looked down and saw a small town.

SAM: Well, I see nice homes with yards and fences...

LUNA: Exactly. Life on a leash. Look again dudette.

Sam looked up and saw mountains far and wide.

LUNA: There's a great big hunk of world out there with no fence around it, where two dogs can find adventure and excitement, and beyond those distant hills... who knows what wonderful things? And it's all ours for the taking, dudette. It's all ours.

SAM: ...It sounds wonderful.

LUNA: But?

SAM: But who'll watch over the baby?

LUNA: "Baby"?

SAM: You can go back with me and you can see a real home, with a real baby and a real family.

Luna thought about it. She did want the best for Sam.

LUNA: You win. Come on. I'll take ya home.

Sam and Luna began to walk back to the Sharp house.

SAM: Darling, I–

Sam couldn't believe she actually said that.

LUNA: You what?

SAM: I was thinking, maybe, you could sing for me?

Luna was more than happy to grant Sam's request.


I'm singing cuz I want to sing

Don't have the blues or anything

Just like a robin in the spring

I'm singing cuz I want to sing

I've got no cares to worry me

And that's because my heart is free

The open road is all I see

And singing cuz I want to sing

I don't want money

Now maybe that sounds funny

But if I had, I'd worry

Or spend it, or lose it, or lend it

See that bird up in the tree?

He has the same idea as me

I'm flying high as I can be

And singing cuz I want to sing

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