26: Stopping the Wagon

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The rain stopped, but it was still dark and cloudy outside. The City Pound wagon was right in front of the Sharp residence.

Luna was choking on Huggins' rope.

AUNT CAROL: I advise you to slaughter this beast as brutally as you can and skin it while it's still conscious.

HUGGINS: Don't worry ma'am. We've been after this one for a long time. We'll take care of it.

Huggins took a whip and smacked Luna with it.

Jim Dear and Darling had just made it back home. What they saw in front of their house was quite the interesting sight.

HUGGINS: Just taking care of this gross monster, sir.

Luna tried to sit down.

HUGGINS: Come on! Get up!

Huggins whipped Luna again.

HUGGINS: Caught it trying to kill a baby.

JIM DEAR: Good heavens!

DARLING: My baby!

Jim Dear and Darling ran inside their house.

JIM DEAR: Aunt Carol!


JIM DEAR: Where is Sam?

AUNT CAROL: Who is Sam?

DARLING: Our dog...

AUNT CAROL: That disease? You're better off without it.

JIM DEAR: "Disease"? She's our dog!

Jim Dear and Darling proceeded to tear Aunt Carol a new one for insulting Sam.

Sam was barking as noisily as she could. Darling heard the barks in the basement, and she let Sam out.

From outside...

ZACH: I was certain she was no good the moment I first laid eyes on her.

RUSTY: Yeah, but, I never thought she would do a thing like that.

Aunt Carol walked Jim upstairs to explain what happened.

AUNT CAROL: Thank goodness I got there in time. There they were, crib overturned...

JIM DEAR: I'm sure there must be some mistake. I know Sam wouldn't–

Sam ran to the curtains and started barking.

AUNT CAROL: Watch out! The thing's loose! Keep it away!

JIM DEAR: Nonsense. She's trying to tell us something. What is it? What are you trying–

Jim lifted a corner of the curtain and there lay the dead rat. Then they understood everything?

DARLING: (gasp) A rat!

From outside...

LIAM: A rat?!

RUSTY: We shoulda known.

ZACH: I misjudged her... badly.

RUSTY: Come on. We gotta stop that wagon.

Rusty ran to the street, with Zach and Liam following.

LIAM: But Rusty, we don't know which way they've gone.

RUSTY: We'll track 'em down.

ZACH: A-And then?

RUSTY: We'll hold 'em. Hold 'em at bay.

Meanwhile, Lincoln saw the commotion outside. Lincoln then realized that he hadn't seen Ronnie Ann in a while. What if she was locked inside the pound? He had to act fast.

So Lincoln barked to get the neighboring dogs' attention.

LINCOLN: Guys! Ronnie Ann and her friends are in the pound!

Lincoln then ran up to Lynnton and Rita.

RITA: Honey, Lincoln's trying to tell us something!

Lincoln whimpered as he began walking in the direction of the pound wagon's wheel prints that had left a track of water on the road. Then he looked at his humans with sad eyes.

RITA: Honey, remember those stray dogs that used to come to the park with Lincoln and the other dogs on our streets?

LYNNTON: Yes, I do remember that...

RITA: Maybe they're in the pound!

LYNNTON: Oh goodness! We must let them out.

Rita ran to the car and started the engine.

LYNNTON: But honey, shouldn't we–

RITA: We'll go after the wagon in the car and we'll break every speed law in the city!

Emma ran up to Lynnton and Rita in their car, noticing that the dogs were running loose.

EMMA: What's going on?

RITA: Get your autos. We don't have much time.

Liam, Zach and Rusty were now in the middle of the street. Rusty was smelling the wet road, trying to get the scent of the wagon.

LIAM: Now what?

RUSTY: The scent. Follow the scent.

Zach and Liam glanced at each other.

ZACH: Let's face it buddy. We all know you've lost your sense of smell.

Rusty didn't believe it. He believed he still could smell.

Rusty howled as he ran to the direction where the Loud Street dogs were headed. Zach and Liam followed as quickly as they could. His howl sounded like a war siren.

Rusty stopped to catch his breath and get more of the scent at a large puddle. He sniffed the water to see if it left any trail on the road.

And when he saw that there were pawprints right behind a wagon, Rusty howled and ran again.

Liam and Zach followed suit. Zach just quickly shook off the water.

And there the wagon was, heading directly to the pound!

Inside the wagon, Luna heard the siren-sounding howls. She knew someone was going to come to their senses!

Rusty and the dogs of Loud Street ran as fast as they could until they were in front of the horses that carried the wagon.

Huggins noticed all the dogs ganging up on him and his horses.

HUGGINS: Go on. Get out!

Rusty barked at the horses until they stopped and the wagon began to turn over!

HUGGINS: Easy... go on, get away! Watch it now. Watch it! Watch it!

The wagon turned over as Luna watched it all from inside!

In the cars came the Sharps, the Louds, and the rest of Loud Street.

The Sharp automobile came to a screeching halt as Sam jumped out of the car and onto the wagon, where she could finally see Luna.

LUNA: Hey, dudette.

SAM: I love you. And I love mutts. 

But not everything was fine. The wagon was revealed to have turned over on Rusty!

RUSTY: Owww... my leg. My leg hurts so much.

ZACH: It's okay, it's okay. We'll get you out of this. 

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