22: She's a Punk

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SULLY: Oh well, a short life is a joyful one.

FRANCISCO: Sì, that's what the Punk always says.

SAM: "The Punk"?

MAZZY: You know her?

SAM: What other names does she go by?

MAZZY: Harmonia, Marina, Louvette, Luna–

Wait a minute... those were all names that those families gave this Punk!

SAM: Does she have that brunette hair and scruffy snout?

MAZZY: Golly! You must know her!

This "Luna" being a celebrity around these areas was news to Sam.

SULLY: Disregarding name, she's a lass who never gets caught.

FRANCISCO: She's given the slip to every dogcatcher in this città.

NIKKI: You won't believe this vriend, but no matter how tight a jam she's in, that Punk always finds some way out.

SAM: I can quite easily believe that.

BENNY: But remember barátok, even the Punk has her Achilles heel.

SKIPPY: Pardon me, frate. You said something about Kelly's heel?

BENNY: "Achilles heel", Skippy. That means her weaknesses.

SULLY: Oh, oh the ladies, yeah!

DAVID: The Punk is a real saggikun.

SULLY: She has an eye for a well-turned paw, she has.

FRANCISCO: Let's see, there's been Olivia.

BENNY: Yeah, and Serena.

ROCKY: And Delilah.

CHAZ: Plus Zelda.

BOBBY: And my cousin, Carlota Cipactli Cuetlachtli Xoloitzcuintli, I think.

SULLY: She went after you once, didn't she Mazzy?

MAZZY: Guilty as charged.

WINSTON: Hey Stella, kompis, remember her date with you?

STELLA: Yeah. Then she dumped me.

SULLY: Hey, Ronnie Ann, did she go for you once?

RONNIE ANN: Ew, no, I'm not that type of girl.

NIKKI: What a dog.

SULLY: Yeah! Tell us about it Nikki!

NIKKI: What a dog!

MAZZY: Nikki used to be in the dog and pony follies.

She's a punk, but they love her

Breaks a new heart every day

She's a punk, they adore her

And I only hope she stays that way

The male dogs barked and howled as backup singing.

She's a punk, she's a scoundrel

She's a rounder, she's a chad

She's a punk, but I love her

Yeah, even I have got it pretty bad

Nikki dated Luna once? Sam was astonished.

You can never tell when she'll show up

She gives you plenty of trouble

I guess she's just a no-count pup

But I wish that we were double

She's a punk, she's a rover

And there's nothin' more to say

If she's a punk, she's a good one

And I wish that I could travel her way

I wish that I could travel her way

Wish that I could travel her way

Sam could not believe it. Luna saw love as a game, and she fell victim to it. 

RONNIE ANN: Yeah, but she never takes 'em serious.

WINSTON: She won't settle down för allt smör i Småland.

ROCKY: But someday she is meeting someone different...

SKIPPY: ...some delicate, fragile creature who is giving her a wish to shelter and protect.

SULLY: Like Madam Park Avenue here, eh matey?

CHAZ: Likely. But when she does–

NIKKI: Way ahead of ya. Under de spell of true love–

FRANCISCO: The poor vagabonda grows careless...

BENNY: ...the Cossacks are picking her up...

MAZZY: ...and it's curtains for the Punk.

A door creaked open.

HUGGINS: It's the little Cavalier, Pacowski, in number four.

PACOWSKI: Okay. Alright baby. They've come to take you home.

Pacowski opened the cell door and picked up Sam.

PACOWSKI: You're too nice of a girl to be in this place.

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