24: Ashamed

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Aunt Carol had taken Sam home with a leash that tied her collar to her so tight that she was choking the entire time. Whenever Sam coughed, Aunt Carol would whip her.

When they got home, Sam was left outside, chained to a doghouse, not even bothering to feed her. Zach, Liam and Rusty saw Sam ashamed outside. Knowing how awful Aunt Carol had treated her, they thought of proposing to her so she could live with them instead.

ZACH: Courage guys, courage!

RUSTY: Yeah, but... I never considered a marriage proposal.

LIAM: Hey, no matter which of us she accepts, we'll always be bestest friends.

ZACH: Now remember, not a word 'bout her unfortunate experience. You don't want to hurt her feelings.

Zach, Liam and Rusty went to Sam's doghouse.

ZACH: S'mira?

LIAM: Miss Sam?

RUSTY: Sam Madam, girl?

SAM: Please. I don't want to see anyone.

RUSTY: Of course not, Sam Madam. Why, some of the finest people I ever tracked down were jailbirds.

Liam knew that Rusty was blatantly lying.

LIAM: Quiet! You weirdo. 

ZACH: Uh... S'mira, please, we've come with a proposition for helping you.

SAM: "Helping" me? What are you talking about?

ZACH: Well, we're all still in the prime of life.

LIAM: Yeah. And we got very comfortable homes.

RUSTY: That's right. Where we know you'll be welcome and appreciated, Sam Madam.

ZACH: So to come directly to the point...

LIAM: If you could uh, find it possible, to uh... to...

SAM: You're all very kind and I do appreciate it, but–

LUNA: Oh dudette!

Luna came in through a hole in the fence, carrying a bone between her teeth. The other dogs turned their backs.

Luna dropped her bone.

LUNA: Dudette! Oh hi boys! Anything new in the kennel club, eh? I picked up a little somethin' for ya, dudette.

SAM: Hmph!

Sam still had her back turned on Luna.

LUNA: Looks like I'm the one who's in the doghouse.

LIAM: If this mongrel is an inconvenience to you, Miss Sam...

ZACH: We'll more than gladly throw the rascal out!

SAM: That won't be necessary. Thank you.

RUSTY: Very well, ma'am.

ZACH: Y-You mongrel!

Rusty, Zach and Liam left.

LUNA: Aw, come on dudette. It wasn't my fault.

SAM: Hmph!

Sam still did not look in Luna's direction.

LUNA: Dudette, I thought you were right behind me. Honest! When I heard they'd taken you to the pound–

SAM: Don't you dare even mention that horrible place. I was so embarrassed, a-and frightened...

Sam retreated to the doghouse.

LUNA: Aww, now, now. Who could ever harm a lady like you?

SAM: "Lady"? "Lady"? That reminds me.

Sam jumped out of the doghouse.

SAM: Who is Delilah?

LUNA: "Delilah"?

SAM: And Olivia? And Serena? And Zelda? And Cipota Carlactli– whatever her name is?

LUNA: Y-You mean Carlota Cipactli Cuetlachtli? Oh, yeah, well, I–

SAM: As far as I'm concerned, you needn't worry about your old heel.

LUNA: My-my "heel"?

SAM: I don't need you to shelter and protect me. If you grow careless, don't blame me. And I don't care if the Cossacks do pick you up!

LUNA: Wh-what happened?

SAM: It's just...

There's a fine, fine line between a lover and a friend

There's a fine, fine line between reality and pretend

I guess if someone doesn't love you back, it isn't such a crime

But there's a fine, fine line between love...

And a waste of time

And I don't have the time to waste on you anymore

I don't think that you even know what you're looking for

For my own sanity, I've got to close the door and walk away

There's a fine, fine line between together and not

And there's a fine, fine line between what you wanted and what you got

You gotta go after the things you want while you're still in your prime

There's a fine, fine line between love

And a waste of your time

Sam kicked the bone back to Luna. 

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