16: Loud Street

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Luna and Sam arrived at Loud Street.

LUNA: Well, here we are.

Sam looked to Loud Street, then to Luna.

LUNA: Yeah. I come here quite often. I know all the dogs here from the back of my head. They're almost like a family to me.

Sam saw a sign that read "ALL UNLICENSED DOGS KEEP OUT".

SAM (muffled): No!

LUNA: What's wrong dudette!

Sam let out worried muffled noises.

LUNA: Why not?

Sam let out more worried muffled noises.

LUNA: What? We can't go in? Because the sign says we can't? Yeah, well, that's– that's the angle. Listen here, we'll just wait for the right– oh. Here we are now. Just lay low.

A professor walked by and Luna walked right next to him. This attracted the Irish-accented security guard's attention to the professor.


PROFESSOR: Uh, I beg your pardon. Were you addressing me?

SECURITY GUARD: Whoit's (What's) the matter? Coin't (can't) you read?

PROFESSOR: Why, yes, in quite a few languages.

SECURITY GUARD: Oh a woise (wise) guy, eh? All roight (right) now. What's this barbarian doin' here?

PROFESSOR: It's not my dog!

SECURITY GUARD: Oh, it's not, eh?

PROFESSOR: Go away. Go on. Why certainly not, sir.

SECURITY GUARD: Oye, I suppose you be tellin' me noixt (next) it was the dog that was whistlin' eh?

PROFESSOR: C-Certainly not.

SECURITY GUARD: Oh, I'm a loiar (liar) now, am I?

PROFESSOR: Well, you listen to me.

SECURITY GUARD: Aha! Resoistin' (Resistin') an officer of the law. You're gonna to pay!

Luna bit the security guard.

SECURITY GUARD: Oye! Pull a knoife (knife) on me, will ya? Tryin' to assassinate me, oin't (aren't) ya! Carryin' a concoiled (concealed) weapon!

The security guard and professor continued fighting.

Luna let Sam out of the bushes as the two entered Loud Street.

LUNA: Come on dudette. This place is ours. We better go through this place Loud to Loud.

Luna took Sam to Lori's window.

LUNA: First up is Lori. Hey Lori! Mind if you help us with this muzzle?

LORI: Literally what?

Lori attempted chewing the muzzle off. It was made of some sort of substance that she couldn't bite through.

LORI: Congrats. You've damaged my teeth even more. I can't begin to imagine what Bobby would think.

Luna then took Sam to Leni and Lynn's window.

LENI: OMGosh. Is this the new fashion trend going on? That thing on your face looks totes adorbs. I want one!

Luna quickly had to come up with a lie.

LUNA: Uhh... yeah, this is the new fashion trend. You can have this muzzle, actually.

Leni approaches the muzzle with a safety pin, likely going to tear it off, but Luna drags Sam away from her.

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