15: The Muzzle

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Aunt Carol marched Sam to the pet store.

AUNT CAROL: I want a muzzle. A good strong muzzle to keep this fiend silent.

PET STORE CLERK: Yes ma'am. Here's our latest combination leash-and-muzzle. We'll just slip it on like this and– oh, no no!

The pet store clerk had fully gagged Sam with the muzzle. Her mouth was closed shut by it. She started squirming her way out.

AUNT CAROL: Stupid dog!

PET STORE CLERK: Nice doggy. No no. Don't wiggle. Steady now! Now now no! Careful you little–

AUNT CAROL: Watch out!

PET STORE CLERK: Careful doggy!

AUNT CAROL: Come back. Come back here I say! Come back here you useless thing!

A terrified Sam escaped. She didn't know where she was going or what she was going to do, but she continued fleeing.

Sam just narrowly dodged oncoming cars, trucks, horse carriages, bicycles and trolleys. As one vehicle went by, another one was ready to roll her over.

Then Sam ran to an unsafe alleyway, loaded with garbage. She got her leash tangled in the trash! With force, Sam managed to free herself!

But that was not the end of her worries.

Three huge, violent feral cats who noticed the fleeing Sam, and started chasing her!

Sam ran as fast as she could. What were these cats going to do with her? She attempted screaming, but they were all muffled by the muzzle.

Luna just happened to be at this junkyard, taking a break from all the really loud music she made. But then Luna heard vicious snarling and muffled whimpers. She looked to see where the noises were coming from.

Sam and the large cats flashed by. Luna had to do something! But they were too fast. So Luna took a shortcut.

Sam was cornered in an alleyway. It all seemed hopeless. Until....

Luna jumped up in front of the cats, defending Sam at all costs.

Luna began to brawl with the cats. She was smaller than them, but she was smarter. Sam watched as Luna fought off the drooling cats. They ran off, and Luna was going to make sure they never went near Sam again.

LUNA: Hey dudette, what're you doing on this side of the tracks? I thought you–

Luna noticed the muzzle. This must've been why Sam was in the alleyway!

LUNA: Oh you poor lady. We gotta get this off. And I think I know the very place. Come on.

Luna grabbed Sam's leash with her teeth.

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