(●'◡'●)ノ hi!

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so this isn't my first time trying to write but my past attempts failed
due to lack of motivation and uh yeah this is probably like my 5th attempt trying to actually post and update consistently

my writing is definitely not as good as some of my favrte ff's, but compared to past attempts, I definitely improved by a great amount. and im confident in the improvement aspect.

chapter 1 im no toooo proud of, like i had good storyline ideas for it but ehh the writing for that probs not the best than the chapters after those lmao

chapter length guide:
short (1500-2500 words)
medium (3500 words)
long (5000 - 6000+ words)

btw if a chapter title includes [!!] its an incomplete chapter that i never got to finish/ might continue later

for now requests are closed
but sorry if I don't include a ship you like ^^;

alright, continue on!

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