3. p.js x z.cl (nct)

103 6 0

TITLE: dolphin (be there for each other)
ship: jisung x chenle
chapter length: short

jisung was in bed, staring at the ceiling and he didnt feel like getting out of bed. It was a saturday, he didn't have anything planned that day. he was feeling Incredibly lazy and tired that day sometimes. thoughts swirled in his head as he stared up. eventually he got bored though. so he reached over to grab his phone on his bedside table and checked his messages. he was surprised when he saw one from chenle. 

loml lele: sungie are you awake??

me: oh morning lele

me: just woke up not too long ago

loml lele: ahh ok

me: what is it? 

loml lele: wanna hang out 2day?

me: sure sure. I'm bored anyways, had nothing planned for today

loml lele: oo is 1pm ok? 

me: yeahh cya then!! I'll get ready

loml lele: meet me at the park, yk which right

me: ofc

"aaaaaaaa going to hang out with chenle today?!!" jisung smiled. he couldn't contain himself. that was his motivator to get up and get ready. although he wasnt planning to do anything that day, he didn't mind. he couldn't pass up an opportunity to meet up with chenle, his favorite person. jisung took a glance at the clock on his bedside table which had shown "11:22" "pfft- his birthday... thats got to be a sign" he chuckled.  "oh well, time flies" he said and went to the bathroom to start the day.


jisung was having some trouble deciding an outfit. after a few minutes, he came to a decision and chose out a white knit turtleneck, paired with jeans, converse, and then a brown coat on top. he also had a cross body bag to bring his phone, wallet, keys, etc. jisung headed out the door. 'I'll get some cookies for him' jisung thought as he nearly walked pass by a certain someone's favorite bakery so he decided to get some cookies chenle loved. he smiled at the thought of chenle's reaction. 

jisung arrived at the park minutes later, carrying a tiny pouch of chenle's favorite ccookie he got a bit ago. he looked around and saw the other. "lele!" he waved as he walked over to the bench chenle was sitting at. "ahh did you wait long?" 

"nope not at all! i was about to walk there anyways" chenle said, smiling slightly. he took notice of jisung holding a bag of cookie's. "are those...?" chenle said excitedly. 

"oh yeah! here take it, they're my gift!" jisung replied

"aww you didn't need to but thanks" chenle beamed.  he opened the bag and happily began eating the cookies. he sat next to chenle and watched him eat, thinking how cute he looked.

he looked away as chenle caught him starring at him. "um... hey.. you okay there?" chenle asked. he had stopped eating and was now giving jisung his full attention.

"oh uh yes sorry.. i zoned out for a sec there" jisung said. chenle giggled lightly and continued eating his cookies. 

"hmm after this where do you wanna go?"

"oh! let's go to the arcade, I heard they had some new games and bonus prizes when you buy a certain amount of points to use for games." chenle chimed. 

jisung agreed to the idea and the two got up from the bench and walked to the arcade since it wasn't really far from there, just a few blocks away. when they entered, the two immediately lined up to fill their cards. they decided to just go do the 33 dollar one for jisung's card and 55 for chenle's because you needed to pay for the $55 to get the bonus prize, and because y'know, chenle's loaded. they would refill when they needed to again. 

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