2. h.hj x l.jy (xdinaryheroes) [pt.1]

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TITLE: cat
ship: hyeongjun x jooyeon
chapter length: between short and medium

hybrid au, jooyeon experiences lots of violence + experimenting

Jooyeon is a hybrid and hybrids are incredibly rare. he prefers to stay in his cat form. and, apparently his animal form isn't a cat, but a wolf but jooyeon prefers to call it a cat.


Hyeongjun was walking home one day and he didn't see the usual stray cat that he passed by everyday when walking home from classes and each time he tried to pet it yet it kept rejecting hyeongjun. He hadn't seen the cat for a week so far, until he came home.


(a week ago)

Jooyeon usually stays in animal form during the day and sometimes turns human when he feels like it. He was in the process of changing from human to animal when someone witnessed it all. What made it even more unfortunate was that the person who saw it all, was someone who is very interested in hybrids and experiments on hybrids.

It wasn't easy for the man to find a hybrid with a unique trait like Jooyeon. But the hybrid seemed interesting enough, so the man went ahead and researched into finding one. After much research and a lot of searching, the man finally found what he was looking for. He had found a hybrid with a rare eye color.

He looked up the information on hybrid eyes and found that a special kind of green eye color has been documented as a possible sign of having supernatural abilities. According to the notes he took, they were also called blue eyes. It could be any other type of color or it could be a combination of them.

Jooyeon had never met the man before, but he knew him well enough to know that he was dangerous. He was a scientist and researcher. He was obsessed with hybrids and experiments. He was also a hunter.

So, when the man approached him, he was ready to fight back. He was prepared to defend himself if needed.

"Hello, Jooyeon," The man said. It was creepy how his voice sounded so fake. "My name is Lee Minhyun."

'This guy is definitely a hunter,' Jooyeon thought as he growled at him. His muscles tensed in preparation for the fight as he stared at the man. Minhyun walked closer, but he did not come close enough for Jooyeon to feel comfortable. "Let's get one thing straight. I am not going to hurt you," The hunter continued. "If you cooperate with me, then no one will have to get hurt. All you have to do is tell me where the hybrids in your city are hiding."

'What?' Jooyeon's ears pinned against his head in confusion. He was confused as to why he trusted this man. Did he not see what he is capable of? Was this all some elaborate trap? Or maybe this man really does know about hybrids but decided to trick him anyways. Maybe he could be working with the hunters after all.

"I don't know where the hybrids are," Jooyeon said in an attempt to keep calm. "There are no hybrids in my city. All the ones there are illegal hybrids." Jooyeon was lying through his teeth, trying to stall time so he could get away. As long as he doesn't give anything away, he could use this opportunity to escape. "Now leave me alone."

The man chuckled. "You think your friends won't notice if you suddenly disappear from campus, hm? You may not think I'm a threat, but I am. So why don't you show me your true colors?" The man stepped forward once more, now only a few inches from Jooyeon's face. "Where are the hybrids?" The hunter asked, staring directly into Jooyeon's eyes.

"Leave me alone!" Jooyeon yelled, using the force behind his yell to shove the hunter off. "If you're going to kidnap me, then you should have done that already! Why the hell should I help you?!" A scream broke through Jooyeon's throat, as another kick connected to his stomach. This was too much. He couldn't let this happen. He had to save his friends.

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