5. j.wy x c.s (ateez)

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title: xmas special
ship: wooyoung x san
chapter length: between short and medium

established relationship (bf), not christian but xmas, a late christmas chapter lmao sorry

San was tired. he came home from work late last night since he had to work overtime. his boss really didnt like him. he remembered, it was christmas eve! he looked over at the spot next to him expecting wooyoung but he wasnt there.
now he had some motivation to get up.

but his legs wouldnt move and his eyes were drooping shut, but they wouldn’t budge no matter how much he tried, san fell backwards onto the bed with a loud thud.
i guess he really cant get up.

“sannie are you awake?” a soft voice came from outside the room. san could hear someone walking towards the bedroom door. before san could open his mouth to respond a large warm hand cupped under his chin gently lifting him up.
“you can’t sleep all day san!! what will we do if your parents find out?”

san instantly woke, he forgot about that. the two families would be having dinner together and celebrating for the holiday on christmas eve (this current day), then on Christmas day (tomorrow), they would be celebrating with friends.

"i forgottt" san groaned in frustration and threw an arm over his face.
"what time 's it right now?"

he sat up, looking for his phone. it was already past 10am.
"about 10:45" wooyoung answered, sitting down on the edge of the bed.
the couple usually spent their Christmas break together alone but this year their friends wanted them both to spend it with them.. and their families.

“can i stay here for a little while longer?”

wooyoung shook his head and stood up again, “no you can’t. we have to go downstairs and start cooking.”

san sighed again, but made no attempt to stand. he wasnt going anywhere anytime soon anyways. he heard the sound of footsteps leaving his bedroom, and after a second more he felt a presence next to him.

“why don’t you go and help me prepare the food?” wooyoung suggested.
“they're gonna come at around 4:30 so we still have time, just not a lot, a lot"

"mkay" san said while finally getting up.

he stretched, and went to wash up real quick before joining wooyoung downstairs. he walked into the kitchen to find wooyoung standing in front of the stove, making breakfast for the two of them.

"im up" san announced as he entered the kitchen and leaned against the counter and was watching wooyoung while smiling.

he saw wooyoung glance at him and the  laughed. when san just smiles, he always makes his heart race.

he didn't know why he's so happy. maybe because looks cute when he smiles? or maybe it was the dimples. he could never get tired of that smile. he could fall in love over and over again over san's smiles.

"stop staring while smiling like that i cant- im gonna burn the eggs"

"too bad" and san continued to stare. he later crept behind wooyoung and latched on from behind, putting his hands around san's waist.

"aah!! sannn" wooyoung squealed. the taller kissed wooyoung on the forehead. he pulled away after a few seconds and smiled at him again.

"hey your hair is wet... dry it properly you'll catch a cold.. you look hot though" wooyoung mentioned while ruffling the other's hair.

"you dont have to remind me of things that will happen in less than five minutes, jdjsjjs thanks you always say that"

"i think we better start now huh?" wooyoung said turning back to stir whatever he was cooking on the stove. san followed him with his eyes and began to eat his breakfast as well.

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