7. w.jh x x.mh (seventeen)

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title: borrowing only
ship: jun x minghao
chapter length: short

college au

btw!! svt are 20 and 21 yrs old for this chapter.

junhui is a normal college student, enrolled in seventeen academy (a well known music academy in south korea since it's also one of the best) who just wants a peaceful stay at the college. he does well in his studies and even has a large, chaotic, and loving friend group of 13 (including him) what if he notices that he's starting to develop feelings for one of them?

junhui had lost contact with all his old friends from highschool, but he made a new friend and got very close when he first came to classes. that new friend, was minghao. a quiet person at first glance but then you'd notice how kind and admirable minghao is. at least, that's jun's most simple description of him. he could go on and on about every little trait minghao has.

junhui and minghao instantly clicked with some of their similar interests, because one, their hobbies and two, they were both chinese in the school of many koreans. the two are inseparable. then they met more people, 11 more people to be specific. the whole friend group was even well known throughout the whole college as "the diamonds" because of their cute friendships, funny personalities, and large group (and their visuals which contributes to the name.)

although they're all very close, some are closer with others since some were dating each other. coincidentally a few of the couples were roomed together.

a/n: the roommates: (parentheses means they dating or ship that will date)
1st room: jeonghan + joshua + jihoon + seokmin + seungkwan
2nd room: hoshi + chan + (jun + minghao)
3rd room: vernon + (mingyu + wonwoo) + seungcheol

already dating are meanie + jeongcheol + soonhoon, the rest havent.

— the group were in the college library studying for their assignments together.

minghao looked to his left where jun sat and his eyes lingered on jun for a bit. "hyung why are you still wearing my hoodie.. you're even wearing one of my jackets. i only let you borrow the hoodie that one time because you were sick and felt cold," minghao said to male next to him.

"uhh its comfortable and cute.. besides you have many clothes," jun looked away for a second in thought and laughed. 'and because your scent's still apparent in the hoodie,'  jun thought, and would've liked to add if he had the courage. however, this wasn't the place, so he held his thoughts back and continued on writing his notes.

some of the boys were making their own song and a few chose to make their own choreography for the assignment they had to perform. they had another option though, to get extra credit they could make a song with the choreography too.

so, together they were brainstorming ideas and giving suggestions. everyone had their own set of talents that were able to shine during these tests, and through the classes in general. all of them were very passionate about music.

"jihoooonnnn can you help with some lyric ideass please please please please-," soonyoung asked, stretching some of the words.

"no. do it yourself its your song," jihoon refused.

"please please please ill pay you 30,000 won and give many kisses later for you to help me write a verse or at least give a melody please please please," the male bribed annoyingly.

a/n: about $20-$30 bc im american so we usin usd conversion...

"fine fine. lemme see your notebook," jihoon caved and accepted.

"yeahhh thank youu," soonyoung exclaimed.

soonyoung then pulled out his wallet and said, "oh damn i only have 20,000 right now, the rest is in my card.. ill extract more money later dont worry," soonyoung pecked jihoon's head.

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