8. l.m x l.dh (nct)

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title: caring for you
ship: mark x donghyuck
chapter length: short tbh

college au, established relationship, contains chatroom bits

mark loves donghyuck (like a lot) and hes very close with donghyuck, they were best friends for 5 years until they both finally confessed. they both can notice the small things going on with each other so here, mark notices something's off about donghyuck.

the two only have one class which starts at 2pm, and the class just started when donghyuck was breathing a bit heavily.

"hyuck? are you okay? you dont look good," mark worriedly asked the male next to him.

"i-im fine."

"you're not fine, oh my god you're burning up," mark placed his hands on donghyuck's cheek and forehead, feeling the hot skin, eyes slightly widened as he was surprised.

"it's okay, w-we need to take notes, this class is important, i c-cant miss it," donghyuck tried to focus on the professor and the things the professor was saying but he couldn't, not with the pounding headache he had.

"okay okay, lie on my shoulder and rest a bit. after this we're going straight home and you're resting. I'll take notes for you too," mark said as he placed donghyuck's head on his shoulder, donghyuck easing into the touch and closing his eyes. mark didn't want to argue right now and donghyuck said a small thank you and went to sleep, mark could still hear donghyuck's small whimpers from time to time, and he kept wishing that the lecture would be over soon.

mark hated this particular class, but it was mandatory to take it. the subject was boring and the professor's voice was even more boring, but mark fought his thoughts about the class and paid attention for his sick boyfriend. the worried thoughts were in his mind every now and then, but thankfully this was one of the shorter classes, only two hours while the rest that the two took were about three to four hours long.

the canadian hurriedly scribbled down the important parts of the lesson on his notebook, pushing up his glasses and adding the charts and diagrams while also highlighting some bits.

"it is the season where people get sick easily, plus hyuck was up all night which doesn't help," mark mumbled as he pat donghyuck's head and fingered away at some of the strands of hair that was poking donghyuck.

"i'll copy down the notes from my notebook into his when we get home later," the male thought.

the class ended 15 minutes early which was better for the two, it was best to leave as early as they could because donghyuck was visibly feeling worse. mark tapped donghyuck awake and held donghyuck as the two stood, the sick boy swaying as he got up, leaning against mark as they walked out the campus.

"hyuck we're getting an uber, we can't walk home like this," mark said softly, trying to make sure donghyuck was aware. once they got to the uber however donghyuck did fall asleep, his head dropping on mark's shoulder. mark wanted to make sure donghyuck gets all the rest he can right now so he just let him sleep through the ten minute ride.

a few sweat beads were collecting on the sick boy's forehead and donghyuck's hand unconsciously gripped mark's shirt.
mark gently rubbed donghyucks back and waited till he woke up, he didn't want to wake donghyuck, the poor boy looked tired enough without being woken up by the loud noises around him.

the ride was quiet, the car just filled with the faint music from the radio. when the car arrived at their house, mark carefully helped donghyuck out, and he thanked the uber driver.
mark fumbled through his bag, looking for the keys. he finally found them in the front pocket, he sighed and inserted the key, unlocking their door, letting the two step inside.

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