4. c.sb x c.yj (txt)

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title: mornings
ship: soobin x yeonjun
chapter length: short

established relationship, tiniest mention of toxic relationship, fluff

morning. soobin loved mornings.
the sun signalling that its a new day with the bright light shining through the window curtains.
but soobin especially loved early mornings. the time when not too many people are awake and how it gives him a sense a calmness.  he didn't know why, but the feeling makes his heart feel all warm inside; as if everything is right in the world and everything was okay in the whole wide universe. and maybe even a little bit more than okay. the quietness at 6am. sometimes he would watch the sunrise, use the time to admire the male next to him, or just to get an early head start.
he would feel more energetic and get a sense of productivity. a sudden urge to just finish everything then and there. sometimes he forgets about how tired he actually is and starts doing things out of impulse. some days it’s difficult for him to go back to sleep afterwards.
and most of the times he doesn't really mind.

this morning was a bit different though. he wasnt used to it since his boyfriend was gone on a trip. he woke up with nobody on the other side of the bed. it was odd. its been a while since he's last woken up to an empty cold side. when he ued to though, that was only because he had no siblings or hadnt met yeonjun yet. he didnt let that get to him and got up to start his day.

early mornings is usually the time for soobin to have thoughts just swirling around in his head. good or bad, there were just a lot.
the male wondered how he had survived without yeonjun in the past. but, the two used to avoid each other and sort of disliked each other. sadly all of that happened due to a rumor someone had falsely spread. he still remembers that day though. the day yeonjun confronted him about it. the day that had bloomed a different type of relationship. maybe he was thankful that a rumor had spread about them, after all a good happy ending came along with it. sometimes he wonders.. 'what would've happened if yeonjun never confronted me about it?' 'what if he doesnt come back to me?' that thought scares him the most but he cant help it. sometimes its thoughts like those that consume him unconsciously and make him go into a deep abyss. he needed to stop thinking that way, because he knows its useless. he knows it. he'll do everything in his power to make sure it won't happen again and then he remembered. he wont be alone ever again. yeonjun exists and will come back from his trip, he trusts him. just one more day to

yeonjun was his main motivation to really get up in the morning. sure he liked the other feelings but the one he feels with yeonjun was different. warmth, comfort, care, love. those feelings were addicting. a part of himself that no one has managed to take. this is what keeps him going and keeping the smile plastered onto his face every single morning. even when hes feeling really bad, he cant give up. not when yeonjun is there.

soobin woke up from a strange dream.
he didnt really remember anything in particular. but one thing stood out vividly in his memory;
it was yeonjun.
soobin tried to recall the dream. he wasnt able to remember anything yet he had felt a strange feeling. he wasnt particularly sure what it was. it was nothing new, he was sure he had seen the dream before but it felt...different. his chest ached when trying to remember it. he had gotten a strange feeling of deja vu too.

he noticed the bed dip a little and heard a small creak and mumble. he turned to face the other way of the room and saw yeonjun sleeping quietly, his arm reaching to soobin and draping around soobin's waist. their legs intertwining together under the covers and he smiled.
he gently brushed the hair off from yeonjun's forehead and kissed his forehead softly, smiling even wider at the way the boy nuzzled closer to him, breathing deeply. he could see the way his eyelashes fluttered against the soft skin of his cheeks.
yes he missed him quite a lot. while he was able to video call with him, it was just different. it wasnt the same as in person. the physical warmth together, being able to be close and have physical contact.
a few moments pass before they wake up fully and slowly pull apart from each other, eyes opening. both of their faces were flushed and they couldn't help but grin at each other, eyes sparkling.

"good morning." yeonjun murmured.
soobin loved these mornings too. the happiness you get when the person you waited for comes back after the long moments without them. the sense of joyous excitement and bliss you experience after waking up seeing them. for soobin, the butterflies in his stomach when he hear the sound of the older's voice, seeing his smiles, and seeing the look of pure love on his handsome features. he wasn't going anywhere, even if it meant leaving behind his family and friends.
"good morning." soobin replied, leaning forward to kiss him.
they shared a sweet kiss, hands roaming around each other's bodies. soobin pulled away first, resting his forehead against yeonjun's.
"i missed you." he whispered, looking into his eyes. "like a lot" soobin smiled, a dimple popping out. yeonjun of course poked it as he usually does, loving the sight. yeonjun missed that. he missed the cute, dimpled smile on his lover's face, he missed his dimples and his lips. he missed everything about the male, even his scent. soobin was like the moon, yeonjun could spend hours gazing at him but even then, he wouldn't feel tired. soobin was like the sun, making him feel safe and happy. he was his sun, his moon, his galaxy, his everything. the sun always made him feel safe and secure no matter where or who yeonjun was with. soobin brought peace.
"i missed you too." yeonjun said, caressing the male's face. "so much. i'm sorry we had to cut our time short. i promise to make it up to you."
"you better".
they spent another 10 minutes, talking, and kissing. catching up on what they've been doing without the other while holding each other tighter, trying to keep themselves as close as they possibly can.
the two didnt have any classes on that current day and they could just watch the extra lectures online. though, neither of them really cared about that.

instead, they were busy staring into each other's eyes and whispering sweet promises in each others ears. they would hold hands, or sometimes they would hug each other tightly, their faces buried in one another's neck. whenever they had a moment alone, they'd talk softly until they both fell asleep together. they both knew they had other things to do but not now. they just didn't want to leave each other's embrace. not yet.

the day went by fast and soon enough they were lying on each other under the warm blanket watching tv and eating snacks, cuddling up to each other, arms wrapped loosely around one another, not wanting to move an inch from their previous position.
soobin wasnt complaining. they were just content and happy. soobin enjoyed the quiet moment, enjoying the closeness between them and the fact that Yeonjun was here next to him. he felt the soft touch of soft kisses on his bare shoulder, over and over again, and the feeling was comforting. he loved this feeling. but he also felt something else. a feeling he couldn’t quite put his finger on but knew it had something to do with something, somehow.
maybe a bad feeling?
"do you think we need to tell the others yet?"
soobin looked at him, confused. they were fine. they knew everything that happened and were alright. they had told each other everything years ago anyway and they hadn't changed at all and he was pretty sure that everyone else was okay.
"should we? I guess i just dont see how i could have any problem saying this. the three probably already caught up on us"
he said with a smile.
"well maybe it will just be easier said than done...are you sure its fine? i mean, you're not uncomfortable right?" yeonjun's worried voice spoke up.
soobin shook his head, "no, why would i be uncomfortable."
Yeonjun sighed and leaned towards him, "im not sure, probably something from my past toxic relationship that was really not a great situation that gives me an urge to say that."
oh yeah. it wasnt only soobin who had some sort of history with someone. yeonjun did as well. but not all of it was positive nor negative. it's just a sad story to tell. he just hoped whatever the past was, it wouldn't hurt them at all anymore. they had come through it in one piece and that was what mattered. the outcome.
"don't worry. we'll handle it just like we handled everything else. it's ok we could tell them tomorrow." soobin promised.
yeonjun smiled and leaned forward again.
they talked and laughed and cuddled for the rest of the night and the following day. it was nice. soobin was glad to be in yeonjun's presence again. he had never really felt like he belonged somewhere and this was the happiest and most peaceful place that could possibly exist right now. he wanted to stay here forever.
just them, no one else.
he felt guilty thinking that way since yeonjun was still here but at the end of the day, he thought it would be unfair for him to expect anything less.

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