1. p.sh x k.hj (ateez)

218 7 3

TITLE: the one I'll treasure
ship: seonghwa x hongjoong
chapter length: short tbh

established relationship, hongjoong didn't have a good family, pretty much fluff

Seonghwa first met hongjoong when the younger moved next door. That resulted in Seonghwa often meeting hongjoong of course. He remembers that special day very vividly.

"Holy fuck,, HES SO FINE AND FOR WHAT REASON?????" those were the boy's first thoughts when he first laid his eyes on Hongjoong. "H-Hello! Welcome, Nice to meet you! I'm seonghwa" Seonghwa smiled. "WHY DID I STUTTER HHH WHY DID I DO THAT- THATS SO EMBARRASSING"
"ah, hello! nice to meet you too! thanks for the warm greetings, and i'm hongjoong" hongjoong chimed. From that day on, it made a huge impact on his life.
"yah!! hwa get back over here!" the shorter laughed as he ran from the living room to bedroom to get seonghwa.
"Give my laptop back hwa i need it" he fake pouted.
"Well too bad, youuu're going to take a break and cuddle with me" Seonghwa remarked while putting the laptop on the top shelf where he knew hongjoong couldn't really reach.
"Hwa whhhyyy" he whined jokingly.
"No" the taller replied, pecking the top of hongjoong's head. "Now you're staying with me in my arms" he hummed, picking his boyfriend up and sitting down on the bed, slightly rocking back and forth while spooning him. Hongjoong sighed,
"fine i guess i can finish my work tomorrow" He melted in the touch.
"Good" Seonghwa smiled contentedly.
Hongjoong thought for a bit then spoke,
"Oh by the way i have a question"
"and I have an answer, what is it?"
"are you a writer?" The male flinched a bit. How did he know? "Because uh maybe we could make a song together.. A collaboration if you will." ah.. Nearly blew it
"woah woah woah. Lets back it up a bit. We've been neighbors and boyfriends for nearly a year now. You never told me you wrote songs!!" Seonghwa's eyes had a certain glimmer in them, a glimmer of admiration in his eyes. He felt as though he had fallen in love for the second time.
I love him.
"It's just a hobby I do on the side, not much of a big deal. Besides you never asked! "
"alright oh and sure, we could start tomorrow. im a bit tired" the male said sleepily. Hongjoong chuckled "alright, goodnight hwa"

"yep goodnight joongie~"

The next morning, Seonghwa woke up first at around 8am. He thought that this was a great opportunity to make breakfast for the one he loved most. He didn't mean to stay at hongjoongs apartment but nobody cared, they were used to it anyways.
"hmm what should I make" the male thought.
"yknow what ill just hongjoongs favorite pancakes" He quickly made it before the other woke. "mmm..good morning hwa.. are those choco banana pancakes!!?" Hongjoongs rejoiced with eyes looking at the pancakes as if they meant the whole world. The older chuckled,
"yep! made just for youuu" Seonghwa pecked the top of the latters head.
"I love youu thanks!!" The shorter sat and ate happily "of course, anything for you" the taller smiled.

before they started their project, hongjoong suddenly remembered he had a bit of work left over to complete. "ah! damn I forgot, it's your fault hwa.."
"hmm? what?" seonghwa looked, a bit wide-eyed and panicked due to the way the other's tone.
"my paper I had to finish from last night! I guess I'll finish that first hold on, you can get a head start and work on lyrics without me, I'll be quick!"
"ahh m'kay that's fine with me, oh but what's the song about? "
"hmm you think about it, whatever you want and we can go from there."
"and he's gone, seonghwa thought, welp let's get some lyrics ready"

(a/n: Seonghwa called hongjoong before all of this to tell him he's at his apartment instead of the other's since his stuff is still at his apartment meaning seonghwa is at his own home and not his boyfriend's, anyways continuing)

I'm so stuck. How does he do this? wah he just got 10x cooler. Then that was when the male finally got an idea.
"I could use some lines from my poetry notebooks! I'll make this song about him, subtly of course. Damn I'm surprising myself with how good of an idea that is" seonghwa gasped jokingly.

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