15. s.mt x k.jw (zb1)

36 3 0

title: Warm
ship: matthew x jiwoong
chapter length: short

happy birthday matthew! this follows my mattwoong fic called unexpected’s au so maybe check that one out a bit to get context on the characteristics? this takes place pretty well over the last chapter btw :3, omegaverse
(dude I miss mattwoong so bad pls we ppusamz likers are not eating well we’ve been starved for so long… i’ll take matters into my own hands…) (edit 05/30/2024: NVM WE GOT CONTENT…)
(edit 06/08/2024 HELP I FORGOT ABT THIS sorry this is an incredibly late matthew fic now…)

Jiwoong had begun to stir, a particular weight arousing consciousness from his deep slumber. It felt suffocating, just what was this heavy weight? Could it be the cat? He wished for more sleep as usual, and it was merely a weekend where he could get the most sleep. He was a bit bitter, but this situation calls.

"Mghfhmmfh Orion? Why are you so heavy?"Jiwoong groaned and flipped the covers over to see who or what the culprit was. It was certainly someone he hadn’t expected. His vision had gone in and out, a bit blurry. But with this close of proximity, he could make out the figure to be a man and not a cat. He must be dreaming. Jiwoong blinked a couple times and was still met with that gleaming face.

Finally understanding, he yelped. "MATTHEW?"

"Nyanggg~ Hi hyungggg you said i could come over any time!” Matthew said with a sweet tone. (He practically looked like this emoji: 😊 as he laughed.)

Jiwoong had indeed said those words but he wasn’t expecting this! It was quite the alarm. Jiwoong blushed at the cute meow from Matthew and how cute Matthew was in general. “Hold onnn I don’t look that good yet." Jiwoong covered his face in embarrassment. Matthew would be the death of him one day.

“Eh? You look the same as usual! Handsome~ You look good every second of the day, even right after waking up.” Matthew has gotten used to spewing out so many compliments it seemed, Jiwoong chuckled inside, his eyes taking in the shiny amber eyes of the younger.

“Mn.” Jiwoong flopped his head back down and wrapped his limbs around Matthew which made the omega whine as Jiwoong buried his face in Matthew’s chest while inhaling the familiar scent of sweet tangerines and mango. It always relaxed him.
But also, It’d gotten thicker– Matthew’s chest. The corner of Jiwoong’s lip tugged upwards, a faint smirk. Matthew never failed to work hard, whether it be for the gym or his career. Jiwoong had watched him grow over the year. He’s worked hard.

Matthew kissed the top of Jiwoong’s head, smiling as the red hair tickled his chin. “Are you gonna go sleep again or are you gonna get up?”

“Stay like this for a bit?”

“Jiwoon hyung it’s 11am!” Matthew’s ears turned red as he came to realization at the position they were in right now. Sure they’ve done that many times but it still feels like the first time, filled with emotion.

Jiwoong latched onto Matthew like a kid would with their prized stuffed animal to sleep with, except, Matthew was warm while a stuffed animal could never provide the same warmth. It was comfortable.

“Sleep with me a bit more.”

“Hmph. Ten more minutes then.”

Matthew pat Jiwoong’s head slowly like a mother lulling her child to sleep. He played with his vermillion locks softly, touches as soft and fleeting as a feather.

Matthew leaned down and set his face atop Jiwoong’s head, letting his eyes flutter shut. So much for styling his hair, all his efforts gone just to do this. Matthew could argue that this was worth it. He smiled hard as he drifted off to sleep with Jiwoong and his warmth.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09 ⏰

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