12. z.h x s.hb (zb1)

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title: rough
ship: hao x hanbin
chapter length: short

fluff, added original character, hao likes degradation, college au, hao as hori, hanbin as miyamura, inspiration/based on horimiya... im gonna miss that anime.. anyways the anime was so good, i wanted to write haobin as one of the situations cus its so funny. ermm this chaoter would make a lot more sense if you know the scene im talkin abt :)) (i actually started writinf this when the anime just ended but thats a long time ago and i just picked it back up because i forgot abt it... oops)

hao and hanbin, two halves as one, eternal lovers and soulmates, can not be separated. those are all ways of describing them through the whole campus, everyone knows. the two are the 1st place and 2nd place scorers through the whole school and part of the most popular friend group too, the so called "F9." everyone talks about them, whatever the topic, they always manage to come up in it (but... its mostly about the visuals and how the 9 is like a whole family) the most popular though is hao and hanbin. hao is talented with many musical skills like a musical genius and his specialty is violin, but his visuals are well known too, plus, his personality is loved. people describe him as perfect. his mother-like position in the group is also known. hanbin is paired with hao often, hes great at street dance, amazing visuals, and is a great talker with a kind and caring personality. he's easy to get along with.

but when those two are put together, you get a whole kdrama. the lovey dovey caring actions between each other are well loved. (they have a haobin fanclub somewhere around.. garnering lots of popularity and attention.) the others all know better than to try to date any of the F9 though, knowing the relationships in it are well grounded. gyuvin and ricky are together, matthew and jiwoong, taerae is dating someone named junhyeon, then gunwook and yujin are alone wanting to focus on studies and is content with the friend group, leeching off of the adrenaline from the relationships around them in the group.

anyways, days with zhanghao is always wild to hanbin, there is never an uneventful boring day with hao. now this time, zhanghao was proposing a crazy idea to hanbin as they were alone in their dorm room they found to share in, by fate. roommates are chosen by random yet here we are.

"hanbinnie~" hao called out.

"hm?? what is it hyung." his love replied.

"what if you hit me." hao said with innocent eyes but with an unmatching smirk.

hanbin's eyes widen and his face is saying hes absolutely shocked as if hao just disclosed some crazy information. which he kind of did? "hao hyung? why would I."

"c'mon just a slap!! talk bad to meee. yell at me," hao whined. hanbin just sat there, with wide eyes, the whole idea was crazy. why would he ever do any of that to his precious zhang hao. the younger hasn't seen this side of the other yet. he knew something was always lingering behind those familiar shining eyes; a glint, but he could never tell what it was... perhaps now, he knew.

"hao but i dont want to hurt you," hanbin grabbed the others hands, not even surprised to find that they were ice cold. at this point, hanbin is always grabbing hao's hands. it doesn't matter if they're cold or not.
"you know how i feel about you." hanbin placed a soft kiss on hao's lips.

hao liked it demanding and rough. hanbin was just the complete opposite, a sweet kind man who's understanding and compassionate. but, hao just loved hanbin because hanbin is.. well, hanbin. he knows what he's like, and he doesn't mind.

"yes, but you can hit me." hao's eyes were shiny as if filled with truth and excitement. hao is spoiled with hanbin's love. he just sometimes wants it in a different way.

"cmon leader sung. ive seen you yell at others."

"that wasn't yelling, it was reprimanding the students who were being careless." hanbin placed his head in the crook of the chinese's neck and inhaled his scent. how calming. he nips playfully at hao's neck.

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