11. h.hj x l.jy (xdinaryheroes)

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title: match
ship: jooyeon x junhan
chapter length: very long

fluff, feat. lots of skz song references, a non-idol au, crack, gunsu and jiseode are established relationships, in the first half theres more gunsu & jiseode than joohan happening, dw joohan happens 😭, chatroom crack segments, junhan parents r away for a work trip for a year so jun lives alone but they call often.

hyeongjun was just in his room, playing some games on his pc casually, till one of his friends that were visiting his place, jiseok barged into his room.
"hehehe hey hyeongjun!!!!" jiseok said, grinning, obviously cheery.

"what the fuck. hi?? did something happen??" he turns his head to jiseok.

"nope!! okay bye!!" he waved and shut the door with so much force that it made a sound, yet not quite much as to refer it as slamming the door.

"ooookay then..." hyeongjun furrowed his brows and tilted his head, shrugging as he went back to his games.

"wait. yknow what nevermind," he pauses and went back to clicking on his keyboard keys.

[meanwhile, back with the rest of the group]

"okay guys lets make a tinder page for hyeongjun," jiseok grinned widely as he sat on the couch.

"this feels so mean," jungsu sighs.

"i mean kinda since we're doing all this without hyeongjun and without hyeongjun knowing," replied gunil.

"it's what he gets for not hanging out with us slash avoiding us -in general- even though we're right here. also it gives him a bonus, a boyfriend," jiseok nods, agreeing with his words.

"and also for leaving his phone out here."

the others were staring at jiseok's direction, staring at the phone as tinder was being downloaded.

"okay now. uhhh name and age, hyeongjun 20. oh he needs photos."

jungsu mentions, "he doesn't take selfies, the only photos he's in are the ones with us, the group pictures. okay maybe like 2 selfies that are actually pretty good to use."

"true." jiseok stares up in thought.

"can't we just crop out the pictures until it's only him," seungmin suggests.

"oh you're so smart," jiseok rubs his head onto seungmin's shoulder.

"that's literally so obvious, cropping the pictures. anyone can think of that," jungsu says, judging the other.

"shh let him." the end of seungmin's lips curl and jungsu sighs.

"okay. hobbies?"

they listed. "gaming, walks, being quiet, clothes sometimes, electric guitar."

"okay the bio?"

gunil laughs. "gimme the phone i know it."

"okay the bio, yes: will respect your personal space, can do riffs on the guitar, we can have cute walks together, if you play guitar or have similar interests i'll probably talk more. no: i might be too quiet so you have to make the conversation started, pretty shy.."

"damn that's pretty good," jungsu nods his head.

"you're only saying that because it's gunil hyung's idea," jiseok says.

jungsu gave the other a glare, jiseok putting his hands up, backing off.

"okay now we just wait for someone to match with jun."

seungmin yawned out of nowhere. "hyeongjun can figure that out himself."

"i feel like he'd get pretty annoyed and have no interest though so he'd delete the app right away," jiseok pouted.

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