10. j.ww x k.mg (svt)

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title: are you dead?!
ship: wonwoo x mingyu
chapter length: short

fluff, feat. cat wonton, tw// homophobes and violence

wonwoo and mingyu were out strolling at a park together at night, wonwoo loved that park for its pretty view of the river, sometimes filled with ducks.

this park was usually an empty one, wonwoo and mingyu being its only usual visitors. the night sky visible with some streetlamps to add to the mood. it was the vibe. across the river you would be able to see those tall city buildings with many windows and the purpose was probably for a business. the two couldn't fall asleep at all so they decided for a quick walk at the peaceful and calming park in front of their house.

mingyu breathed in the air and sighed, lovingly staring at wonwoo. he then watched as a stray leaf landed softly, so softly on wonwoo's head and he stifled a laugh. "the leaf looks like a small hat and so random" mingyu thought. he discreetly removed the leaf and acted as best as he could like nothing ever happened, covering his face with his hand and looking away.

"what," wonwoo dryly spoke, feeling something was off.

"what i was just removing a leaf that fell on you, weirdly," mingyu added. "okay it was funny, a random leaf that managed to fall on your head and land perfectly on the middle like a hat," the taller laughed.

"thats so dumb," the male couldnt help but smile and laugh with him.

mingyu was thinking to himself how pretty wonwoo looked illuminated with the light. this whole moment was pretty, even if it was a casual and small one. the way how the river was glistening with the moonlight, the trees rustling from the slight breeze, the whole green filled park being empty. it was a vibe and the two enjoyed it.

loving the small moments they had like these, strolling along when the two cant sleep, little cuddles and hugs, light kisses on the forehead and cheeks, playing with their cat together (yes they have a cat!), etc.

wonwoo never wanted to be away from mingyu, and mingyu felt the same, only wanting to stay with each other for as long as they could. together, time passed by differently than when at school or doing a chore. it felt like time paused and went a little slower when together as if ut was meant for them to be able to cherish the moment, the radiant times, so they could be with each other having fun for another hour.

it felt good to be around mingyu, it was fun for a change. back then wonwoo didnt know what to do in life, just staying in the same static routine. it felt a bit numb before. he used to live alone since all close family were gone at an early age which was good and bad (mostly bad.) young wonwoo would be surviving by the money sent by far away relatives and learning how the world works. he had to learn early, that the world was not all fun and games and instead, very cruel. when coming back from school, he had nobody to come home to. his house was quiet all the time. the past young wonwoo would've never guessed he would have fun and be happy with someone in the future, even getting a cat with him.

in many ways, wonwoo is grateful for mingyu. for getting him out of the loop, numbness, and static.  he hadn't realized that he was staring at mingyu.

"what hyung," mingyu turned to look, feeling the fact that wonwoo had been staring for a while.

"ah sorry, i was too deep in thoughts i guess," wonwoo sat on the bench near them, gazing out into the glimmering river.

"what were you thinking about?" mingyu asked casually, just wanting know as he sat next to him

"mmm.. not too much i guess. just a bit on my past. my past me never wouldve guessed this is what my future would be like," wonwoo chuckled. "im just very happyyy. i love youu," wonwoo smiled at his boyfriend leaning into him.

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