14. k.gv x s.qr (zb1) [!!]

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title: strawberry days
ship: gyuvin x ricky
chapter length: short

okay so this is an incompleted ome where it was originally made for rickys birthday but like i neber got to finish it but here i am anywyas? maybe sooner or later I'll hop on to go finish it. but uh happy late bday to ricky!
(from my book unexpected au, abo, when they're finally tgt)

Gyuvin sighed. What was he to do?

It was his lover's birthday soon, and what was he to do? He had nothing prepared due to assignments and lectures to watch- but even those he hadn't truly done either because of procrastination. The bad thing about him as a student was that he procrastinates, yet he somehow makes it work because he still manages to get everything done on time and with... good enough quality. He's managing to pass right now (he has no clue how.)

With all of this going on, he doesn't want to be a bad boyfriend. He may be a questionable student, but he loves Ricky. Ricky is already sacrificing enough right now for choosing him.

Okay. Gyuvin was on to listing things Ricky likes as preparation for gifts and cake choices.
Gyuvin took a seat at his desk, rounding up all the things he'd need for writing a birthday card. Clearing up his messy desk, he slid his arm across the table, pushing the unnecessary junk to the other side of the table. He was going to clean that up later.

He looked through his cabinet of extra birthday cards and prepared for any upcoming birthdays when the time came. Gyuvin saw a card where the theme was a sparkly strawberry cat. He had absolutely no recollection of making that purchase. Thank you, past self, even if I don't remember this. He grabbed that one and grabbed a cute pen to work with.

He wrote something along the lines of:

Dear Ricky,

Heyyyy bbg... Okay, sorry.
Happy birthday, Rui, Ricky, Cheonye. (Kim Ricky) Your plethora of names are all meaningful; YOU are meaningful. You mean so much to me. I hope you have a great birthday. Oh, now you're my hyung? You're 20, and I'm 19...
I can't wait till I'm the same age as you again. :3
Ricky! Let's stay together forever. I hope nothing will get in the way of our relationship, and even if something will, I hope we will get over the obstacle together.

Ilysm :3,

He decided he might add more later in his best handwriting (you could tell that he was trying his best to not have his lazy messy scrawl over it and have an effort to make it neat for Ricky) and for now, he'd contemplate his gift.

What could Kim Ricky want when he has everything he could ever need with his never-ending wealth? He inherits everything as he IS the heir of the famous medical company from his father. Gyuvin wracks his head and decides to ask Matthew what he did for his little Jiwoon-hyung's birthday a bit ago since it's a similar situation. Just as he reaches for his phone, he looks over at the time and realizes Matthew's busy at work.

Aw, great. I'm just a little college boy... I forgot Matthew totally has work. Ackkk, I'm not readyyy. Uhm, okay, so, plan. Kim Gyuvin, you have to go over to the planned meet-up with Ricky and then spend time with him, and then I hand the gift tomorrow.

Gyuvin, you have a problem.

Shut up, I know inner-self. I don't know what to have planned. Ricky has everything he could possibly want at his fingertips. In a snap, he could have them purchased, no matter the cost (most likely).

Okay, wait. Gyuvin settle that idea later and just buy a cake first. He's obsessed with strawberries. Scratch that, buy a shit ton of strawberry desserts. Maybe even try making one yourself.

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