2.5. h.hj x l.jy (xdinaryheroes) [pt2]

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TITLE: cat
ship: hyeongjun x jooyeon
chapter length: short

jooyeon quickly warmed up to him. they've grown more comfortable with each other and felt as they needed each other all times.  they both grew fond of each other after spending a couple months together, and were actually closer than before. it felt nice to be treated as a person rather than a beast that needs to be fed. Hyeongjun was able to teach jooyeon some basic skills he was supposed to know, and even helped him pick some out to wear.

when one wasn't there, the other would feel lonely. jooyeon felt as if hyeongjun was his light in the endless dark, his day and night; hope. he thanks him for being those and making jooyeon feel the way he does now. he wishes to stay with hyeongjun forever but that's a selfish thought, not thinking about what hyeongjun would like. he wondered how the male felt about him. Sometimes he hoped hyeongjun feels the same.
sometimes he hoped he doesn't, and just enjoys the company of jooyeon.
they're cuddling on bed when jooyeon breaks the silence. “hyung, I'm sorry…” hyeongjun looks at the smaller male with an emotionless expression as if expecting him to say something else. “am I a burden? because y'know, I just randomly showed up and you were pretty much forced to take me in? and also.."
the last part came out quiet. "i think i might be a bad influence.. and that you should let me go…” hyeongjun sits up straight with wide eyes as he stares down at jooyeon who was fiddling with his fingers. the latter looked so sad that hyeongjun couldn't help but hold the boy in his arms. “no no, jooyeon, no… you're never a burden, okay? you're just my best friend, and i love having you here with me.. you are an amazing friend, jooyeon." it hurt for hyeongjun when he mention 'amazing friend' or 'best friend' but hyeongjun can't seem to bring that up, not realizing he hoped for the other to bring it up instead.

"that's also a problem"
"huh?" hyeongjun said eyes wide.
"what if I want to be more than friends" jooyeon asked but turned away, not being able to face hyeongjun due to embarrassment.

“i… um… well…. you…” hyeongjun started
“hyung... i'm serious. i really do enjoy your company a lot, and sometimes i just think how lucky i am to have met someone as beautiful as you. you make me feel happy, hyung. you're kind, sweet, caring, understanding, and a really good friend... ” jooyeon spoke as fast as possible, and hyeongjun couldn't help but smile at the whole thought about him.
it was rare for jooyeon to express his thoughts so openly without holding back. it made hyeongjun really lucky.
but then, it dawned on hyeongjun
“wait” hyeongjun stood up, pulling jooyeon along with him
he grabbed jooyeon's hands to look directly into his eyes. “you mean this to me, right? you like me romantically? you' re not joking around, are you?”
jooyeon shook his head with a small grin and a chuckle, and hyeongjun couldn't help but smile. the smile that jooyeon loves. the older could hear his heart beating faster than normal while staring at jooyeon.  it was so adorable. hyeongjun wanted to spend every single moment with him. he wants to be his lover, and spend time with him whenever he can. he wants to see his smiles everyday and be by his side whenever he has something to hide. he wanted to kiss his lips every morning and plus there was a bonus which was that jooyeon could turn into a cat. he's been resisting patting jooyeon when he's a cat. 
"but in all seriousness, yes. i truly love you hyung. please, please accept me.” jooyeon said softly, looking deep into hyeongjun's eyes with a slight blush adorning his cheeks. hyeongjun closed the space between them and connected their lips softly, letting his hand move up to pet jooyeon's hair gently. they separated for air after a few moments. "i would never reject you, either." hyeongjun said softly after leaning in again.
"do you mean that?" jooyeon smiled. “you won't leave me?”
“of course i won't leave you.” hyeongjun answered.
and that was enough to make jooyeon jump up from the bed and jump over hyeongjun, knocking him onto the ground with a loud thud. he was laughing loudly while straddling hyeongjun.  “good answer, hyung.” he giggled. hyeongjun was still laying on the floor. "oh come with mee I have something to show you" he said while reaching out a hand towards hyeongjun.
"okay," hyeongjun replied slowly. he takes jooyeon's hand and hoists himself up. the two walked out the room and down the hallway. jooyeon stopped at the living room and asked hyeongjun to turn around. "now look."
jooyeon was on the couch but his cat ears and tail was out. "I didn't realize I could do that till recently but uh the more you know" jooyeon grinned. jooyeon took a moment to fully turn into the cat form. the only bad part is that hybrids can't speak when turned and can only speak as the animal. "you're so fluffy and cute" hyeongjun cooed.  jooyeon meowed happily.
"can you sit on my lap?" hyeongjun requested. the hybrid cat purred as he curled up. jooyeon looked up at the male as if asking for pats and cuddles which hyeongjun complied contentedly.

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