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It seem that fro that day they started a new beginning, a fresh white page for their new relation : frienship.They never discussed about what happen in the washroom, too awkward for them.

Every morning, Sidharth went to coffee shop and took a black coffee. At the beginning, he used just to wish her a good morning, take coffee and leave, but days after days, the 2 minutes extanded, and they chatted for 5 or 10 min. It was their new ritual between them. Each of them appreciated this moment, they accepted each other, sometimes they laughed, but they always fought for stupid thing, at least, we can't change them. Sidharth and Shehnaaz had opposite personality but with time, Shehnaaz  discovered a new side of Sidharth, he's not just an arrogant businessman, but he had a soft corner, he could be gentle, soft and kind. His Majesty can be noble, Shehnaaz thought.

Shehnaaz was preparing his coffee like every morning, when Sidharth entered.

-good morning, Mr Baig, she said without looking up

-good morning Miss Shehnaaz

-here you're coffee

-thank you Miss Shehnaaz

-still no sugar, Mr Baig?

-no thank you


-why what?

-why not with sugar Mr Baig? Black coffee is really bitter

-because without sugar, you have the real taste of coffee, but if you add sugar, it will be sweet coffee and not coffee

-but did you try once? May be you will like it

-I didn't try and I don't want to try

-you are so boring Mr Baig. Sidharth rolled his eyes

-you know what I think you're scared from changes, 

- why should I change something which work, Miss Shehnaaz?

-because it's fun and because when you mixed opposite things, you create an explosion and you can have a new taste, but instead of this, you know only one side of the things and you stay in your own routine, you never get bored?

-No, never, I don't like surprise, I don't like changes and I don't like sweet coffee, he said annoyed

-ya Allah,how can you say that you don't get bored, you always came at the same time, always wearing the same color, always drinking black coffee, Mr Akdu Sidharth Baig

- Miss Shehnaaz, you know what if I don't do those thing, you will think that I'm ill or I'm not the real Sidharth, if I don't come always at the same time, you will think that something happen to me, sometimes the routine is a balance for other, I let the crazy thought for other

-ya Allah, you act like an old man, I wish you to find a woman  enough crazy for two

-I don't need, I have you, enough crasy for 10 persons

She sighed in desperate

-what? That was a compliment from an old man like me who appreciate a compagny of crazy woman like you

-so you mean, by coming here, you change your day, do you like this change in your routine?

-I always came to see you, so it became a routine, and you prepare my coffee so you also in the routine, right?

-you are impossible Mr Baig, you never give up 

-never, he challenged her

-one day, you will put sugar Mr Boring Sidharth Baig

SIDNAAZ: MISFIT MATCH?? (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now