Finally Baig Family... Forever Together (EPILOGUE)

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-I HATE YOUUU... I just hate you Sid... I can't anymore... I CAN'T, Shehnaaz yelled out of her lung, crying her pain out. He preferred not to reply and clenched his jaw frustrated.

It has been like this since they left their house, her labour started and with each passing painful contraction, she cursed him and shouted on him. Sidharth didn't reply at her, he preferred to stay calm and stoic, she never liked to feel physical pain, she was just a baby when it comes to small cut, then what to expect from delivery, for sure, it was the last day of her life. He removed this ugly and mean though about her, he heard a lot about delivery and knew that it was painful, but does he really need to be bashed? Sidharth sighed. Shehnaaz was behind, breathing in and out and growling in pain while he was driving as fast as possible to reach the hospital. Unlucky, and he was, because he was all alone, her labour started in the middle of the evening his mother was out and will be back only tomorrow and his sister and his laws were on their way. He sighed again when he heard her cry, he was helpless and wished he could help her sharing with her pain, but he can't. He only stared at her in mirror, looking at her hardened and sweating face.

-baby try to breath, try to breath we are close. Sidharth tried to reassure her.

- Sidharth  I can't, ughhh, it's, Shehnaaz strangled her moan and suddenly, she relaxed, the contraction stopped. It stopped finally, she could breath again. He sliped his hand behind catching hers.

-We are close, she just nodded at him tiredly.

After driving like never before, crossing many red light, he finally arrived and the nurses took her in the wheel chair.

After the examination, the doctor said the unexpected for them.

-you still have time Mrs Baig, the cervix is not dilated enough, we have to wait

-but doctor, I lost the water and the contraction are here, Shehnaaz whined

-it started but it's too soon, I will keep you here for sure, you don't have to return home. When the time between each contractions will be less than 2 minute, we will getting close, but for the moment, it's just the starting, both of you will have to wait. Try to relax.

-how long? Asked Sidharth

-I don't know it depends of the baby. He threw his gloves and left them together.

-relax, relax, my foot, only men can say that, she was pissed off. How long we will have to wait, she looked up to the sky. Sidharth sat next to her, and sighed. He can't do anything only to be by her side. He was helpless and useless. He posed his head next to her face while the rest of his body was on the chair, holding each other hands.

-why don't you sleep a bit Shehnaaz, he pecked her nose

-I can't Sid, even if I can close my eyes, the contraction wake me up, and I...Arrghh, she tightened her grip around his palm

-contraction? He asked and she nodded clenching her jaw, hold on me, tight, tight baby. After few second, Shehnaaz relaxed breathing again.

- Sidharth why don't you sleep a bit or take something to eat?

-No, I am fine, and I can't let you alone, I will wait for someone to be with you first. I can't let you all alone, baby. Shehnaaz smiled tenderly at him.

They came at 3 am and now, it was already 13 hours that she was in hospital, nothing has change during all this time, her cervix has opened slowly since the last examination. The family came at 8 am to see her and Sidharth took this time to go back home to get fresh and to bring babies clothes. Shehnaaz was hungry but was not allowed to eat anything, her delivery can started at any moment, she started to find the time really long and was getting bored. Her only distraction was to walk in the corridor to accelerate the labor

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2022 ⏰

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