All About You🖤

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Two days after the challenge, Shehnaaz's life finally got back to her body, by the end of the weekend, she was spoiled by her mother, she could eat properly, sleep on her missing bed, felt like she charged all her battery. She was fresh and bright, like nothing happen, and on the top of this, she won, she couldn't  happier than this, and she want to enjoy her victory today. Last time, she fainted miserably in front of Sidharth but not this time. She smirked.

She went to her office and opening widely the door :

-good morning everybody, she sang, how it s good to be the winner, she though

Everyone was happy to see her again like this, bubbly, funny and happy, and moreover, looking fine without any sign of tiredness, specially Amir, who sent silently  prayer to the sky for her safeness. Shehnaaz noticed that Amir was staring at her, she couldn't forget how he supported her and how he helped her, this victory has something of him, he confronted her when she needed the most, she should thank him for everything, for every word and for his presence next to her during those challenging three days. She came to him and took him apart:

- Amir, I would like to thank for everything, even thank will not be enough to express how I'm grateful for what you did to me during those 3 days

- Shehnaaz, you don't need to thank me, we are a team and we win together and we fail together, but you did everything, I was just a small thing in your victory, you deserve it and you putted all your heart and your soul.

-thank you, instead of Sidharth, all of you were supportive, and I want to celebrate, we should go outside.

- Sidharth was also supportive Shehnaaz, but she cutted him quickly

-don't talk about him, I'm still angry on  him and I can't imagine what he did to me and what he said to me, I won't talk to him until he apologize from his behaviour.

- Shehnaaz , Sidharth was stressed, you can't imagine how this company was important for him, you can't imagine all the sacrifice that he made to be able to made this company, he putted his everything in it, and he finally successed, and you can imagine his state when he felt that someone want to destroy what he built during all those years.

Shehnaaz felt guilty by Amir's word, she didn't know what Sidharth went throught but she can understand, that at Sid's young age, he is the owner of this company, she could imagine that he might sacrified his life to be where he was now.

-Amir, I just want to be angry on him, that's it, I don't want to make it easy for him, she crossed her arms on her chest like an angry kid, and you know what I will go to see him NOW.

-he is not here

-it's ok, my victory will still the same tomorrow

-I mean he's not in the town, he goes to new-york, for two weeks

-two weeks ??? Just a coward, he even spoiled my victory, should I wait 2 weeks ?? Koi bat nahi, I will wait and he will see, that we should never mess with Shehnaaz Shaikh, she said rubbing her shoulders.

Amir found her adorable and just want to pull her cheeks.

-you know what you are just cute acting like a kid

-oh please, don't tell me this, it's Sidharth favorite definition of me, kid, I am not

-I know you are not, but you can agree that you are just stubborn for the moment like a kid, right ?

-I just show it to now, no one should know this ok, specially Sidharth  ? She winked at him

-I promise, he smiled back

SIDNAAZ: MISFIT MATCH?? (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now