Hit The Dance Floor

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One hour later

Sidharth came back from his meeting, tired, he joined his office, untied sliglty his tie, he removed his coat and took it in his hand. After this long day , he deserved a hot shower and good sleep. He opened the door and stopped. She was still there as he asked her,  she was sitting on his chair,concentrated on the laptop. Her serious expression made her look cute and young, she nervously chewed the nails  her hair in a bun closed with a pencil, she looked like a dream to Sidharth , he couldn't have kept his eyes off her. He leaned against the door, quietly , arms crossed with his jacket snacked in between, he smiled dreamily and admired her working. 

Shehnaaz didn't noticed Sidharth at the door, she was concentrated and in hurry to finish before he came and scolded her for nothing.Finally, after Sidharth's arrival , 5 minutes ago, she looked up to see Sidharth looking at her quietly as if giving her time.

-Mr Baig ? her voice brooke his reveries.
He cleared his throat and putted his serious mask.

-Have you finish? 

-yes, Mr Baig the problem is your battery, you have to order a new one, I took this opportunity to update antivirus, to clean your files, etc. Something technical for you.

He sat on his chair and checked by himself if he could open his last presentation. He was satisfied by her work.

- Thank you Miss Shehnaaz, it's perfect

-Do you need something else, Mr Baig or can I go home now?

- Mo thank you, by the way, how you will get back home?

- Faiz is waiting for me

-fine, Allah Hafiz

-Allah hafiz

"Ms. Shehnaaz!" Mr. Baig called after her and she cringed

- Yes Mr Baig

- You have something belong to me

She looked here and there perplexe. Sidharth stood up and came close to her, he extended his hand to grab the pencil in her hair. When he removed it, her dark long hair failed as a slow motion over her shoulder, Sidharth missed nothing from this scene. She smiled shyly and said "Sorry".

-it's my favorite pencil Miss Shehnaaz, he smiled at her.

She raised her eyebrows, just nodded and left. Sidharth looked at the pen and said "lucky pen" and he clasped it tight.


-Hi Faiz

-Hi Moti

-don't call me like that, idiot

-it's your real name, you can lie to the world but not me, he said dramatically

She just rolled her eyes and shout 

-drive and please stop your acting, you are really bad

-I'm not acting Miss Moti. Shehnaaz hitted his shoulder. 

-ouch, you know what you are very lucky that I still don't have Bond's car, or I will just push one button and you will be thrown outof my car.She laughed loudly and replied between her laugh:

-Mr Faiz bond, the only thing that you can throw out,  is the stupid thing  coming out from your mouth, just drive, drive and think about another way to throw me out.

-don't worry , I always have plan B, he smirked

She looked at him tenderly. Faiz was driving silently and Shehnaaz was looking outside. After few minutes, she found that Faiz unnaturally was quiet.

SIDNAAZ: MISFIT MATCH?? (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now