Pride & Prejudice

409 46 11


Third semester

3 months to handle now, three long months to wait, and to finally see her baby. A part of him and her. It went to fast for her but in the same it was too short to appreciate every single moment. The day she knew, the day, she saw his figure for the first time, the day he knocked innocently in her womb. All memories were behind now and she can't wait to see him and to hold him in her arms. All those small moment were joined with some naughty and discomfort link to pregnancy: she gained weight, her breast hurt, she can't walk as fast as before and her breath went heavy, her back was aching, her feet were swollen, and finally, she can't sleep properly, her womb was prominent and took a lot of space that she can't turn freely on the bed. The joy of being pregnant, she sighed.

Shehnaaz laid down on the bed, grimacing at the small pain that rose in her back. She felt heavy day after day and it was not the best part of pregnancy. Sidharth came back from the bathroom and saw her grimacing. He sat next to her feet and started to massage them. He knows that she loved when he was doing this and her hardened face turned to relax one under his touch.

-Ah, Sidharth, it's so good, she moaned closing her eyes and enjoying his massage. He didn't reply and continued to press softly on her feet. Sid, you can't imagine how it was painful, my back was in mess holding this weight 24 hours, my poor muscle can't hold anymore.

-you know you should have done more exercise before; it might help your back to resist to this pressure.

-What do you mean? Shehnaaz opened her eyes and lifted her head to watch him.

-I mean if you have done more exercise, and practice some sport to reinforce your body, you wouldn't have suffer like this now.

-Excuse me? You really think that I am just paying the price for being lazy, her voice rose a bit frustrated by his insinuation.

-I didn't say you were lazy, I am just saying that if the muscle of your back were enough develop, you wouldn't have suffered that much now.

-What? Shehnaaz retracted her feet and he jerked suddenly. YOU, she pointed at him and he rolled his eyes, he knew that he was going through bad time. You, Mr Body builder, if you think that it's easy to carry this for almost nine month without having pain, you-are-dreaming, muscle or not, carrying this weight,24 hour, everyday, sleeping with, waking up with, showering with, eating with, it's NOT easy AT-ALL. No matter how you can be prepared, you can't avoid to feel tired, to feel pain in your back and all over your body, you can't avoid any of those thing. 

- Shehnaaz, you know what you are right, calm down and let me massage your feet. He didn't want to argue or to make her angry, he knows her swing mood and how she can be sensitive, even if he didn't say anything wrong.

-No, I won't calm down, Sidharth, I am not a kid to whom you give a candy to calm down and forget. It's not enough for me to say "You know what you are right", she marked his sentence. You are just saying this to avoid any argument, but YOU are WRONG if you think that I will stop this argue right now. I want you to realize how your sentence was totally stupid and how of being well built was not the solution and not appropriate.

- Shehnaaz, I've just expose my view, you are not agree then let it be. I don't want to convince you and I don't want to be convince, ok? So let it be, relax baby, we don't need to argue for small things. You are tired. She jumped from the bed, all her tiredness flew away and was replaced by anger. It was all about pride now.

-It's not a small thing. You just gave a rubbish explanation about my pain, but you have no idea, and I am sure, that you can't do better than me, even with all the muscles that you have. She challenged him.

SIDNAAZ: MISFIT MATCH?? (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now