Death Of Sidharth Baig😭💔

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Day 1

In one week, only one week and they will going to get married. Both of Mobin and Sidharth were agreed not to delay the wedding anymore. Everything was ready, afterall it wasn't their first try together. SidNaaz couldn't be happier than this, than finally, everything was sorted for them perfectly.

Soon, entire city was aware of this union between the two family, which gave to the people to gossip for hours about this second engagement. Everyone was curious and wanted to be at this engagement, but the two family decided to do a small wedding, they didn't want any complications or fake person in this wedding.

The big surprise came at Sidharth's company, when Nikhat, Farhan and Amir knew about their engagement, all of them opened widely their mouth , in shock. Shehnaaz couldn't help but laughed at them.

-you and Mr Baig  ? Asked Nikhat stunned, you mean Mr Baig and you ? She nodded, you mean you are engaged to Mr Baig  ? For real ? I mean for real ? Shehnaaz laughed at her

-yes, I am engage to Mr Sidharth Baig, I'm his fiancee, Nikhat

-but how that happened ?

- it's just happened, he proposed me and I accepted, that's it, she didn't want to tell details concerning her private life.

- Shehnaaz, I'm really happy for you, said Amir, he was sad inside of himself knowing that he lost an opportunity to tell her what he felt for her, but he knew that Sidharth was a good choice for her and he couldn't be happier for them, even if he gave him a small pinch in his heart knowing that.

-thank you Amir, she smiled shyly, she couldn't help but remembering what Sidharth has told her about Amir and the possibility to be her future husband, but instead of that, she was lucky to have find Sidharth first. Shehnaaz knew Amir and knew that he was a good person in heart but her heart only belonged to one man.

- Shehnaaz, Sidharth called her from behind

-yes, she smiled, he smiled back soflty, waving to everyone a good morning

-can I talk to you in private, please ? He hold her elbow and she followed him in the corridor

-yes, sweetheart, what do you want ? Did you already miss me ? Shehnaaz teased him

-I always miss you Shehnaaz. I have to tell you that I will be busy those days and  may not be  available. I have many things to do before our marriage, I have to finish them, if I want to spend time with my lovely wife. He rubbed her cheek.

- Is this is your way of coaxing me ?

-is it working ? He joked

-No, she hitted him on his shoulder

- Shehnaaz, please, I promise to spoil you when I will finish all of this, I promess to you

-it's ok, I understand, and by the way, I will be busy also those last day, I have many things to do to please my husband.

-oh really ? He asked curious, what kind of things ?

-you will know after wedding, she teased him in turn

-you're going to be the death of me, I will wait, he took her hand and kissed the back of her hand, uttering , I love you

-I love you too, Sidharth.

And both of them went to their respective cabins.

Days 5

The sun had go down 3 hours ago, but Sidharth did not remove his nose from his files, workaholic as he is, he never left anytime without being with his job. Those days gave him strength and energy enough to work harder than before. A new member will come into his life soon, he needed to prepare everything for her, he wanted to work now to be able to take few days for their honeymoon. He didn't mention it yet to her, he wanted to be a surprise. Elena's project asked a lot time and hardworking to manage, it was a big and profitable for his family, he needed to finish it. His cabin was in the dark , the only light came from his lamp, he was reading and turning pages after pages, reading all the plan, focusing on all the details after details. His face was tense after all this journey of work and he didn't finish yet, he already left his coat and tie, his sleeves were up , showing the contraction of muscles of his arms with each movement.

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