I Don't Want To Marry Him🥺

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The day after

The night was short for her, but she didn't care, she still had her ring around her finger, and the memory of last night came to her mind , she could still hear his husky voice while he proposed to her :

The only thing that I want to change in you, is your name, so Miss Shehnaaz, do you accept to be Shehnaaz Sidharth for the rest of your life ?

-yes, she let out her voice this time and she kissed her ring. She jumped from her bed to the bathroom, she wanted to see him, she knows that he was a morning person and she want to surprise him this morning. She couldn't recognize herself, the wrath of love has blasted reversing her existence, she slept few, she ate few, the only thing she could not do without, it's her Sidharth. She prepared herself quickly and ran to the door.

-areee Shehnaaz stop, take your breakfast, shouted Afreen

-ammi, I'm late, I have to go, bye, see you tonight

-Mobin, he hummed, Shehnaaz worked a lot, she wasn't the same since some days, she looked tired, she didn't eat properly and she is always running, can you talk to Sidharth, asking him to be indulgent with her, I feel that she didn't want to ask Sidharth for a break and she worked a lot to erase her guilt toward him. Mobin, can you talk to him, please ? She placed her hand on his shoulders.

He looked at her stoically and he just shook his head in positive. He noticed some changes in his daughter but for him, it was positive, because she is working in a good company and this is how life should be. He won't be eternal for his children, as much as he wanted to protect them, he can't help them to grow up if he covered them from everything. He just wanted now to talk to Sidharth about many things involving the orphanage and his promise. It has been now more than 6 months, and there were no proposal until now for her from his side or other side. The rumors spread all around bhopal since that day and it felt like everyone was not interesting in marrying his daughter. He felt helpless by this bad view. He knew that the only solution was to find someone outside of bhopal, he had a good relationship with many of the imam outside the city, he can asked them for some good men for his daughter. And, if all this solution did not work, he knew by now that time will be her better compagnon, when people will focus on other drama and forgot this one. He needed time. A phone call broke his thought.

-I will talk to him tomorrow, I'm out of the town and I'll be back tomorrow. Afreen just nodded.

Baig's villa

Shehnaaz started to press the button when she stopped in midway

-if it's khala who opened the door, what may I reply if she asked me why I am here ? Hmm,  koi baat nahi, I'm Shehnaaz Shaikh, I can fix anything, she pressed it this time without hesitation.
She didn't see that someone saw her from upstairs, Elena looked at her and smirked at her : let's have fun, I will make you regret miss Shehnaaz Shaikh

To her luck, the servant opened the door, she entered and asked him :

-no one is there ?

Before he could reply, Elena replied to her :

-I'm here, how can I help you ? Shehnaaz looked at her from head to toe, she was wearing a man shirt falling until her thigh, the first two buttons were open and her hair was in a messy way.

-Good morning Elena Shehnaaz replied coldly

-Morning, Shehnaaz, she yawned, I'm so tired today, last night was the most beautiful night, I have ever had.

-where is Sidharth  ? Is he still there ? Shehnaaz asked  ignoring her good mood.

-he is under the shower, he is tired as much as me, she looked down shyly.

SIDNAAZ: MISFIT MATCH?? (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now