Stabbed By Words

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Days had passed and Akram wasn't been catch yet, which means that Sidharth and Shehnaaz always used to come home together. As much as Sidharth was worried for Shehnaaz as much as he indirectly thank Akram for spending time with Shehnaaz. She used to talk a lot, a lot for Sidharth but he knew many things about her, her hobbies, her dislikes, her best-friend etc. Sidharth as usual was not a talkative person, most of the time he just nodded to her, admiring her and her antics, enjoying her laughs and her sweet smile. 

One of the day, after a tiring journey, Shehnaaz sat on car but she was silent for a change. Sidharth glanced at her, she seemed lost in her thought looking outside the window, she sighed deeply.

-are you ok, miss shehnaaz? he asked worried

-yes, I'm fine, just a long day Mr Baig

-are you sure? he asked again not convinced by her excuse

-yes, what could be else?

-may be akram? 

Shehnaaz blinked surprised and he smiled at her.

- Mr Baig, it has been 2 weeks now, I'm really fed up of all of this, I can't go outside alone or here and there without looking around me, I suffocate Mr Baig, really, she said with teary eyes. 

Sidharth parked the car and turned to look at Shehnaaz. He took her hands in his and looked into her eyes.

-Miss Shehnaaz, I know that you are tired of all of this, but it's for your security and nothing matter to me more than your safety. I asked you to be patient, it's only matter of few days and we will in sha Allah catch him. 

-but Mr Baig...

-I know, just a few days, I promess, just try ...For me, he stared at her soflty.

Shehnaaz felt her heart melt away by his face and his concern, he never asked her before ,he always used to command but for the first , he asked her to do something for him and she just nodded quietly.

-Ok, mission one accomplished, now mission two

-what are you talking about? she asked him suprised

-just wait, you lost something today and I will try to bring it back.

She raised her eyebrows, Sidharth went outside and asked her to wait. Shehnaaz followed him throught the mirror but wasn't able to see where he went. She got back to her thought looking outside. After 5min, Sidharth opened the door hiding his hands behind his back. She smiled at his antics and asked him with her eyes. 

He was holding a pot of ice-cream, with a pink small spoon in it. she smiled widely revealing her dimple and her teeth.

-wooow, Mr Baig , for me? 

-yes , your favorite, vanilla and stranwberry flavor, he smiled proudly 

-I...I don't know what to say, her eyes dressed with water

-just take it, 

-thank you so much , Mr Baig that's so sweet of you, she was touched by his concern.

He sat back, putting his seat belts, feeling happy that he successed in bringing her smile back .

-Mr Baig, where is yours?

-Mine? what did you mean?

-your ice-cream, you didn't take for you

-miss Shehnaaz I'm driving as you can see, he mocked her

-I can see, mister-one-task- Sidharth Baig, ok so let's share mine

-no, miss Shehnaaz, to much calories, and it's not healthy , no thank you

SIDNAAZ: MISFIT MATCH?? (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now