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Once my mother was done, we left my so called house for good. According to Mr. Shi san, I would be living with my mom for the rest of my childhood. It depended whether or not I still wanted to be living with her until the age of 18. 

I personally was very happy about this arrangement. I met up with Michael again and he showed me the cars we could use for this mission. For safety or something, I don't know.

Of course, we were't old enough to legally drive, but of course, the CIA allowed us. This is a special case, otherwise, we would have never been allowed to drive under any circumstance, but, alas, here we are. But of course, we had to successfully pass the drivers test. 

Of course I passed with flying colors. Michael did pass... barely, but he did. He kept on driving too recklessly, me on the other hand, I was driving quite carefully. That's just me being me, of course.

I am quite surprised to say the least. Michael walked out of the room, holding his driver's license. Of course, bragging to me on how he did end up getting it. Of course, I was the first to do so.

The CIA let us choose our choice of vehicle. Michael and I walked into the garage. 

Honestly, I wasn't surprised by the amount of cars there were. It's the CIA, for god's sake. (All of them by the way. Incase you were wondering.) Percy Jackson rules, you guys. (Message from the author: If you don't like it, get out. Just kidding, love you the most.) 

I looked around, my eyes scrutinizing each and every single detail and thing. Which is my analytical mode coming into place. This is my defense mechanism, it has saved me on a few occasions. There were so many to choose from! However, one care lured me more than all of the others did.

I twas sleek black, bullet proof windows, and an Acura sign on it. So it was an Acura, but they just modified it. I guarantee that this took a lot of time, money, and effort since they had to do probably most of these cars. 

"Pardon me, but was this car owned by someone else previously? I hope that I am not asking too many questions." I said.

The guy nodded and replied, "Don't worry about it. Actually, fun fact, your father owned this car. He thought that this was the best one. He actually wanted you to have this."

"So my father worked for the CIA?! Along with my mother?!" I exclaimed.

"Yes, that was how they met. They were quite the power couple. Possibly the best agents ever known to man kind." 

I gasped, my father, the kindest man I've ever known, is the best agent known to man. So far, at least. You learn something new everyday, I guess. 

"Can we please take this car? It's my father's old one. I would just feel more comfortable and confident with it." I pleaded with the guy.

The guy just sighed. "You are just like your father. He wanted you to have this when you turned 18 years old. Not 13. You both are strong minded, kind, yet patient. I will let you, however, please do be careful with it. Your father had always wanted you to have this car."

I nodded, "Michael, what do you think of this car?"

He sighed at me, but he grinned at me brightly, making my heart skip a beat. "I think that there is no way I can argue with you. But yes, I did think that that was a good care even before we figured all of that out." 

I was so happy that he agreed! He is amazing, honestly. We of course had to do paper work. Ugh, I hated this part. Again, I am not a big fan of signing all of these paper work stuff. I loved to work, but not boring work. 

Not to be a drama queen, of course. 

We did finish it after a good half an hour later. Anyways, enough of my complaining. I wanted to take this car on a test drive. 

I clambered into the driver's seat and inserted the key. The car roared to life. 

I was pleasantly surprised. Let's go for a trip!


Hey guys! Long time no see, this is the first author's note on this story! Yay me. At the very end of the book, you guys can do a Q & A with me. Just ask the questions in my message section, and I'll answer them honestly. Like some questions could be: 

What's your zodiac sign? 

Or, what do you like to do in your free time?

Thanks a bunch you guys! Can't wait to write more books a stories and such for all of ya'll. 

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