Chapter 6

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Hero Finneas Tiffin

Jo was sitting on the floor, clutching her stomach as painful screams left her mouth.

I looked down to see any blood or something wet but couldn't find any.

I sigh in relief.

"Jo! Baby what's wrong?"
I kneel beside her. I could feel tears prickling in my eye, seeing her in this state is just crumbling my heart.

"It hurts Hero! It hurts so bad! Take me to Harry please!"

Her voice sounds so painful and broken. I wiped the tears off her cheeks and place a soft kiss on her cheeks.

"Take her to doctor Hero! I'll be here with Freddie! Go fast! She's in so much pain!"

I frantically nod my head and picked Jo in my arms and rush to the car.

My heart my beating rapidly in my chest.

I place her in the passenger seat and hopped in the drivers and fire on the engines.

Please God keep my baby safe. I can't lose my child again.


I snap my head in her direction. My eyes met with her painful and tearful eyes.

"I can't lose her again Hero. I'll die this time. Ah-ahhh"

She clutch her stomach through the pain. Her eyes depict the fear. The fear of losing her kid again. Her daughter. Our daughter.

"Nothing will happen baby. Everything will be fine. Be positive. You and the baby both will be safe."

I pulled the car in the parking lot of the hospital and quickly bought the wheelchair for her. Her screams has stopped by now yet small whimper tells me that she's still in pain.

Gently placing her on the wheelchair I wheeled her in the hospital.

"Anyone please! My wife is in pain! Call the doctor! Styles!"

"Sir. Please keep quiet. There are patients here."

I shake my head. My heart my pounding in my chest.

"H. Calm down. It's not hurting that bad now. Calm down baby."
Her soft hands grabbed my rough one and intertwined it with hers as her soft voice tried to soothe me and calm me down.

I look down at her and place a soft kiss on her forehead.
"Is Dr.Styles here? Please call him."

She nod her head and head in the corridor.

I kneel down beside her and grabbed her hand.
"Are you alright? You scared me to death."
I whispered, kissing her hands.

A soft chuckle escaped her dry lips. Her eyes are a bit swollen from all the crying.

"I'm alright. Guess it happened because of the stress."

I sigh.

"You need to take care of yourself. I was so scared."

She tighten her grip on my hand and sadly smiled at me.
"I was hurt. So hurt when Freddie said he want a new mother. No mother can ever bare the pain of hearing her own child claiming that they want a new mother. It broke me completely. I couldn't control myself and guess it all happened because of it."

I nod my head.
"I know baby. I'll talk to Freddie. He need to learn that he can't talk to his mother like that. He can't cross his boundaries all the time."

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