Chapter 12

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Hero Finneas Tiffin

"There must be some place where she can't watch us."

He kept pacing in his office room.
Trying to figure out where in the house she hadn't implemented her eyes on us.

"Calm down, Harry.."
I sigh.
Unwrapping my arms and letting it fall by my sides.
I stood up from the couch, walked over to the table and picked up the chocolate.

Chocolate always helps.

"How can I? No! How can you be so calm?! You should've just slash her throat right there at the moment!"
Harry yelled.

My eyes bulge out of the socket.
Josephine told me Harry had a really bad temper.
Though I never thought he'd say something so toxic.

"Wow bro! Calm down! That was really toxic!"

And his words finally sunk in him and he realised what he said.
Guilt rush through his face and his facial expression instantly fall down.

Sighing he muttered.
I'm-it's just.-just Josephine is too innocent for this world.
She'd never hurt anyone but every time someone tries to hurt her I lose my shit.
I'm worried for her.
She always find good in people.
It's like..I take it as my responsibility to protect her and with you being so calm about this situation isn't helping me very much with my anger.."

I weakly smiled at him.

"It's not that.
If all of us will lose our temper then who'll handle the situation?
We need to be careful with our steps. And that won't happen if we take decisions with our instincts without reconsidering it.
Someone needs to think with brain and not with anger.
I'm just trying to do that."

I sigh.

"To be honest I don't really understand why she's doing it.
I don't even know her.
When I helped her I didn't knew she'd do something like this or else I would've never helped her."

His eyes displayed sympathy for me.
I was never the man who liked someone showing sympathy to me but right now, at this moment I want someone to sympathies me.
Because this is the very first time I'm feeling this helpless.
I'm not use to feeling this way.

He place his hand on my shoulder.
"Look we'll find someway because I'm not letting that bitch ruin the only thing that's making my best friend happy."

"There must be some place in the house where she didn't implemented the camera.
There has to be."

Where could it be?
There must be some place which is safe.
Where she can't keep an eye on us.
There has to be.

The camera is in living room, our bedroom, kitchen, Freddie's room, our new babygirl's room even in the fucking bathroom!
What is left other then that?

I exert pressure on my brain. 
HER room!

I don't think she have camera in that room.

"Maybe she doesn't have camera in her room!"

I looked at him with wide eyes. His eyes copied mine soon enough and he stood up from his chair.

"Right! Why would she implement camera in her room?!"

We both let out a ridiculous laugh. We both high-five each other and embraced in a bro hug.

"Wait a minute.
But that still doesn't explain why she's doing all this."

I shake my head.
That's the main question.

"Maybe she's misinterpreting you for someone else?"

He narrow his eyes towards me.

"I don't think so.
There's only one Hero Finneas Tiffin in the world and that's me.
I'm certain there's people who look like me or have my name but I don't think there's another Hero Finneas Tiffin with same face as me."

"I know.
Hero I think this is much more complicated and dangerous than we are thinking it is."

I nod.
"You're right."

Just then my phone began to ring.
I hold up my finger for him to be quite for a minute.
I slide up the green button and answered.

"Who's this?"

"Hey baby."

I furrow my brow in confusion.
Just as I was about to say wrong number she spoke again.

"It's me. Hailey.
How's your chat with Harry is going on?
Thank you for reminding me to implement camera in my room as well."

My blood ran cold and she began to laugh at us through the phone.
My phone slipped off my hand and fall on the ground.

"Hero? Man what's wrong?"

"She knows. She have camera in your room."
I mutter staring straight outta the window.

He hurriedly picked up my phone but she hung up.
My phone went off indicating I have a message.

"He-hero. It's for you."
He took a deep breath and hand me my phone back.
With shaky hand I grabbed it and prepared myself for the worst.
Somehow I knew who sent me the message.

Unknown:- Come home baby.. we have to hurt Josephine. Love you xx

The little hope in me died at that moment.


Where could be that place? How will they escape from Hailey's trap?

I'm so sorry for updating late.
I've decided that I'll just update whenever I get time because I really don't think I'll get anytime after my prelims because my finals would be really near after that.

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'Story Of My Life'
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