Chapter 1

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Few months earlier

Josephine Langford

"Maa?" I look down at my son. Who's sitting on my lap.
"Yes?" He look up at me with his doe eyes and smile at me as he push his pinky finger towards me.
"Promise me, you'll always be with me maa."

I look at him. Contemplating, why out of nowhere he's saying this.
I cup his cheek.
"Why are saying this, love? I'm not gonna leave you. Ever. Even if you want me too."
I kiss him on his forehead and let out a small laugh but he didn't seem assure about it.
He pushed his finger towards me again and shake his head.
"No maa. Promise me. I don't want you to leave me like Diana did."
A pain shoot through my heart as he mention her name. I sigh and wrap my pinky with his tiny pinky finger.
"I promise, I'm not going anywhere."
He jump on me and wrap his tiny arms around my shoulder and bury his face in my neck. I hug him back as we both mother and son burst in fits of laughter.
"I love you, maa and I'll always need you in my life."
He whisper in my neck. My heart melted at his words, as beads of tear erupted in corner of my eyes. Stupid hormones.

I ran my hands on his head.
"So, my kiddo, tell me what do you want for your birthday?"
He remove his head from my neck and looked at me with a ecstatic grin plastered on his face. I chuckle at his expression. He look at my stomach, which has a small bump. I'm gonna be a mom again, of a cute baby girl.

Indi Elizabeth Langford Finneas Tiffin.

I smile at the name, we've decided for our baby girl after so many fights and argument, we came to the conclusion when Freddie said that he'll name his sister 'Indi'.

"I want my baby sister as my birthday gift." He goofly grin and kissed my cheeks.

My second trimester will be over in 2 month or basically I'm 4 month pregnant with a small baby bump. I can't wait to meet my daughter.
"I can't wait to meet her, Maa!!" He exclaim from top of his lungs.
"Me neither, luv.." I smile as he ran off to his room. Freddie is my sweetest child. He and his father had helped me a lot through the whole pregnancy.

I sigh as the horrific vivid memory ran through my brain.

Hero was there for me this whole pregnancy. He fulfills all my late night carving. When my legs would ache or swell up, he was there to massage my legs. He talk with our baby girl every night. When I can't sleep at night, he stay up with me and re-watch the episodes with me. During first trimester, He was always there to hold my hair and rub my back during Morning sickness. He bared with my mood swings.

He's been an amazing dad to Freddie and I'm sure he'll be a great dad to India as well.

He's gonna be that protective kind of dad, who'll kick his daughter's boyfriend ass, if he'll say something awful to his daughter and I can't wait to meet that side of Hero.

He always keeps on talking about how he'll give her everything she deserves. How he'll love her to death. How his daughter won't be dating anyone until she's 30.

I always laugh at that one. People get married at that age and here is my overprotective husband who won't allow his daughter to date till 30.

We all are so excited to meet her!!!

I smiled as I reminisce the day he proposed me and I told him...We are pregnant.

It's been almost been 1 year and 4 months. After two months of proposal we got married. It wasn't something grand or cozy simple marriage ceremony in a normal church with completing all the rituals. He's the most loving husband I can ask for...

My head snap toward the door as the door bell rang. I slowly got up from the floor with the help of the couch. By the time, I got up Freddie was already out of his room and rush off to the door. Screaming.
"Papa's home!!"
I smile and slowly walk to the door.

My smile turned into a frown as I saw a girl with disheveled hair, smudged eyeliner, tears blemish her cheeks, her lips quivering and her whole body trembling standing beside Hero. His arms wrapped around her shoulder for support. I doubt, she still would be standing if he didn't gave her the muscular support.

I looked at Hero. He looked at me and smile sadly. I wrap my arms around her shoulder from another side and walked her in the living room.

Whole time my mind is mesmerised just by one question

Who is she?? And who the fuck did this to her??


So my lovers, here's the first chapter. Hope you'll like it.

Who is this girl?? What is her role in their life?? What happened to her??

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To the new readers if you hadn't read the first book then please read it and don't forget to vote, comment, share and follow!! Thank you to all the lovers who are already following me.

All the love

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