1. The Boy in the Bin

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I sigh walking back to the apartment I'm renting, after another unsuccessful trip of looking for some sort of amusement. It was a lot darker than usual and not too many people out, which is strange for somewhere as lively as Tokyo. However there was one thing in the quiet darkness. A faint rustle of paper. I raise my eyebrow slightly; glancing down the pitch-black alleyway I was standing at the opening of, nothing but that sound. Or was it? I look closer, stepping down into the alley my eyes having no trouble seeing in the darkness. There. In the small bit laying on it's side. A pair of bright green eyes stared up at me.

I stepped closer to the small creature causing it to start whimpering. I sighed bending down to get a better look at these stunning green eyes. I reach my hand out to the creature "Hello love. You're okay, I'm not going to hurt you." The little creature crawled out of bin, which he seemed to be using as a bed, and sat in front of me, sniffing my hand. It wasn't some sort of animal at all; it was a child.

I chuckled softly as I looked at the boy. He had obviously been here awhile; it was actually quite an awful sight to see. His messy blonde hair sat randomly and all over the place and slightly matted, he was covered in mud, which didn't hide the fact that you could see pretty much every bone in the little boy's naked body. Despite all this there was something quite intriguing about the boy; maybe it was his stunning green eyes but no he just seemed so different from all the other children I've ever seen during my time here.

I ran my fingers through his messy yet soft hair finding something I never thought I'd see in real life. On the top of his head there were two little ears; not just any ears, he had little fuzzy gingery red ears on his head. I ran my hands down his body to the fluffy tail coming out from the bottom of his back. A kitsune. I heard about them awhile back but I never thought someone like me would ever come into contact with one. I thought these creatures were supposed to be intelligent and powerful yet peaceful not like the mess of a boy in front of me. I picked him up and lay him back in his bin, taking my white shirt off and putting it on him only doing up a few of the buttons. "Now stay there, I'll come back tomorrow with some food."

I stand up and leave the alley, looking up and down the street when I feel the young one wrap himself round my legs. I sigh looking down at the teary eyed boy. No I'm not taking a child in, especially one like him. He seems way too clingy. I pull out of his grip and turn looking at him. He tries to reach out for me but the chain around his neck prevents him from coming any closer. For fuck sake... This child is more hassle than he should be. "NO! Go lie back down! NOW! I'm not your family and I'm not your friend!" I yell at the boy causing him to whimper and crawl back into his bin. Thank you. Don't look at me like an asshole, what do you expect? I'm not taking this runt of a child back home with me; I'm supposed to be in hiding anyway.

I run a hand through my hair and groan, looking around and seeing some shop owners staring at me in horror. Fine! Fucking fine! Ugh... He's really the last thing I need but I can't have people look at me as if I'm a monster. I may be a demon of royal blood but I'm not that heartless I'm not my father. I care about people's opinions of me. I shake my head and go collect the boy, breaking the chain off his neck. "You can come with me as long as you keep up got it?" I tell him in a stern voice. He nods happily and cuddles into me. I sigh pulling him off "No!" I walk out the alley and head to the left walking down the street, stopping when I hear cries and whimpers behind me. There he is on the ground his chin burst open and my shirt covered in his blood. I roll my eyes, helping him back on his feet. That's when I see the problem; he's been tied up there so long he hasn't even learned the walking and even basic language skills. Well at least he's not going to argue with me. I pick him up (though it feels like I'm carrying nothing) and walk to the apartment I'm staying in.

// A.N ~ Hey guys, this was really short but i really just wanted to get it up so yeah this is my first ever story like this so any comments or stuff would be much appreciated i'm not sure what updates will be like cause exams and I'm going on holiday soon but once we get into July there will be at least one chapter a week and hey chapters will get longer as well

Oh and just a warning right now there will be a lot of violence later in the story so just a heads up.

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