10. Guests

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~Michael's P.O.V~
It's been over a week since Master Calum has been taken away and how I've been treated has got considerably worse. I'm scared to speak in case I'm punished for it. Yet also if I'm completely silent I'm still punished. I hate this maid thing as well. Mummy tried to protect me but he suffered for it. He can't get out of bed it's that bad. I am trying to look after him but I'm not very good at it.

Today I'm actually relieved of my duties for a bit. But only because a few of Alexandria's friends and family are coming and she wants me to look acceptable. Whatever that means. I run to what was master Calum's room, knocking on the door. Alexandria opens the door and groans, grabbing my arm and yanking me in the dimly lit room. I whimper to myself as she walks a few circles round me. "Go shower then come back." I nod and run back to my room and throw my uniform off and jump in the shower. I hate since master Calum left, I don't get bath time anymore and the shower scares me. It hurts my ears, it's broken so it burns my back and my tail is too sensitive for this. It's also so inclosed... It reminds me of when master Calum found me. I sit on the floor of the shower, pulling my legs to my chest and crying silently. I want Master Calum back. Where is he? Why did he leave me? I don't understand. He didn't do anything wrong. I'll replace him! I can do whatever's happening to him right now. I could do it and he can help me. Please? It's not fair. I can't even use these abilities I'm supposed to have. If I could I could get master Calum back on my own. I turn off the shower and shake myself dry. Really not accomplished anything by that I didn't even wash my hair. I let out a small yelp as I'm grabbed by the back of the neck. I turn around to see daddy. I whimper quietly and cuddle into him. "Michael no we can't do this, I won't have you getting hurt." I whimper and back away from him. "Hey Mikey chin up okay... I know this sucks but I promise we'll get you out of this one day alright? Calum will want to see his little one happy" he leans over and brushes my messy hair out my face before taking my hand. "C'mon we need to get you ready." "Daddy I-I don't understand... What does she want me to do?" I watch him as he runs his hands through his quiff and sighs. "You'll understand later. Don't worry I'll be close by okay?" He proceeds to get me dressed back into my little uniform. "Sorry Mikey I know you're hurting the most out of us here... Just um... Don't go to bed too early tonight." Without giving me a chance to question him daddy leaves me alone in my room. But I'm so confused, usually he's telling me to make sure I get plenty of rest.

I was told to stay in my room till after dinner time. So I'm just laying in bed waiting for mummy to come get me. I'm really scared I still don't really know what's expected of me. There is a knock on the door all too soon and I jump to my feet, slowly opening the door. "Mummy.. Please don't make me go.." "Sweetie it'll be worse if you don't go." He scoops me up in his arms, holding me close to his chest. I whimper and shake as we go downstairs, getting closer to the noise to chatter and quieter background music. He sets me down outside the door and smiles at me sadly. "It's alright sweetie, Luke's in there he'll make sure nothing bad happens okay?" Why won't they just tell me what I have to do? I just want to prepare myself instead of going in blind. I really do hate it here. I'm even starting to miss my little alleyway. At least I knew I wouldn't be getting injured. I slowly open the large doors, closing them behind me, causing all talk to go quiet. I bow slightly and stare at the ground not really wanting to see all the people staring at me.

A pair of hands grab my arms and I snap my head up to see an apologetic looking daddy. He lifts me onto the table and lays me back before he starts slipping my clothes off. I lay there frozen in fear my tail trying to cover as much of me as possible as the demons on either side of me hold me down. Alexandria smirks down at me "Well this is him, sadly he's not in the greatest condition but he's a nightmare to feed but have your fun I'm sure he still won't disappoint." I gasp as I feel a set of teeth bite into my lower leg. Followed by others in my side, stomach, shoulder, wrist. They're feeding off me. Is this what they were so scared to tell me. Hot tears fill my eyes as I cry out in pain. Mummy said daddy wouldn't let me be hurt. Where is he? Why won't he help me? He catches my eye, standing in the corner holding himself up with the wall. He's still hurting so much from her. He looks into my eyes sadly. Then everything went black.

//A:N: Hey guys this sort of sucks but I promise on Monday the chapter will be better 😘

So who's up for a character ask!?

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And well Me 😄 xxx

I'll only be posting it when I feel there is enough so feel free to comment however many you like

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