12. Old 'friends'

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I whimper as the banging on the door gets louder. Rachael's husband slowly wraps his fingers round his hunting rifle before creeping up towards the door. As he slowly turns the handle opening the door, the tall clad in black figure at the doorway grabbed a hold of the rifle pushing the still unnamed bearded man back. Knocking him out with the fall. "Hope he isn't needed anytime soon." That voice. I pull away from Rachael running to the tall figure and jumping on him. "Daddy!" As I jump on him I knock his hood down, cuddling into him as he holds me close. "Michael! Thank god you're safe. I thought we'd lose you." He sets me down slowly and I whine looking up at him to notice a look in his eye I've never seen before. I follow his gaze to see him and Rachael staring each other in the eye. I step back a little watching them. Rachael walks up to Daddy, tears running down her cheeks as she runs her fingers along his cheek. "Luke... How? I-It's been over twenty years... You look the exact same.." "Why'd you think I had to leave? I guess I have a lot of explaining to do..." I smile watching them as she smiles a little. "Then I guess you better get started." They sit down on the couch laughing a little, I climb on Daddy's lap, hugging onto him tightly. "I-I wanna hear too!" "Of course you can Mikey" He kisses the top of my head, ruffling up my hair. "Well firstly lets fill this little one in..."

*Luke's flashback*

I smile and grab ahold of her wrist. Probably the first person to ever catch my eye here. She turns around and smiles at me. Damn she's beautiful. I slowly pull her into me, connecting her lips with mine. I know I'm here to work and look after Calum but fuck that I'm allowed some time to myself right? I need my fun too.

That night I followed her home. Watching from the tree outside her window. Until she notices me. It was the second night at 2am. We would stare each other down until she eventually opened the window. "Hello stranger" "Thought you'd get rid of me easily? Sorry babe but I got time to spare." I make my way towards the window sill, kissing her softly. "I don't recall you ever introducing yourself..." "Well it's Luke but you can call me sexy." She laughs pulling me inside and towards the bed. "Don't flatter yourself." That was the night I felt something I never thought I'd feel.

*end flashback*

"Well the other stuff this little one is too innocent to know about... But what three years?" "Three years and four months." Rachael smiles, stroking daddy's hair. "S-So you love each other?" "We did Mikey... But that was years ago we're both different people now." "Says the boy who hasn't aged a day..." I look at them sadly, hugging into Daddy's chest. "Well.. This is actually the hard part, you see I'm not from here and honestly I'm only here as not much more than a slave." "Then where are you from?" "I suppose you call it hell but we'd much rather use the term underworld. But everything you hear stories of, they're all real. Including me... I'm a demon.." She laughs and cocks her head "you're joking right?" I whimper and shake my head as daddy sighs "I'm hardly going to joke about that am I? I always knew it'd never fully work, there were reasons we aren't supposed to care for humans and now I understand. I'm going to be here forever your lifespan is like a blink to me." I whimper and nuzzle into daddy, clinging to him tightly. "So who is this little cutie?" Rachael smiles, clearly trying to change the topic of conversation. "Um... Well this is Michael and I guess he is Calum's pet... That might sound pretty bad don't take it like that. He's been the most well looked after person I've ever seen when it comes to Calum. He's got his own room, king sized bed, anything he asks for even though he only really asks for cuddles every so often." "Wait so if this guy is good to him why have you bunked him off here?" "Well Calum had to go away for some time is the only way I can put it without upsetting the little guy. And now his bitch of a fiancée is in charge of us and she just wants to either hurt him or use him. And I need to keep him safe. Our kind tend to underestimate the most beautiful things in life; people like Michael. And I'll stand by that he may be the only person who can help Calum now." I sniffle and cuddle into Daddy. I can't do anything? What's he talking about? I'll never be able to help master Calum I don't know where he even is or why he's gone. "Baby boy I gotta go now before Alexandria wakes up and knows I'm gone... We can't afford to mess anything up. Your stuff is that bag I brought. Be good and we'll come see you soon." I nod and hug him as he kisses my forehead. "I love you daddy... See you soon promise?" "Of course baby boy." He hugs me one last time before getting up and heading to the door. "Rachael, check the letter in your pocket." He winks just before leaving back into the darkness. I yawn and slowly stumble back to bed, curling up and quickly falling asleep.

*Luke's letter (just cause I'm still not doing anyone but Calum and Michael's pov)*

Hey beautiful; don't argue with me cause you are. Anyway I know I can trust you with Michael but warning now be careful he's sensitive and he's been through a lot so try not to ask him too many questions. But this is the important part. In a week I'll return with my friend Ashton, do you remember him? Well we'll take Michael back then but I need you to make sure this week is full of fun but nothing that could result in injury cause he's pretty weak and we're going to need him in too condition. Try to keep his sleeping pattern (wake up at half 7 and bed at 10) and also see if he'll let you fix up his injuries a bit better than we've tried oh and also make sure he eats. He's a nightmare with that. Anyway know that I'll never forget you and I'll visit once everything is sorted out. I promise. Well that's if it goes to plan. I still love you. Your Lukey.

//A/N: sorry guys this was kinda just introducing Rachael. But who wants to see what our Calum is up to? Cause that will be coming soon

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