18. Healing

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~Calum's P.O.V~
How the hell did Michael even get here? Ugh. I guess it doesn't matter now. I'm glad to have him back in my arms. This is the only place I know he's safe. I still don't quite understand why I even want to protect him. He's annoying; needy, helpless and really just clueless about everything. Which in a way is an advantage for me as that means I can get away with slightly using his sweet, caring and innocent character for my personal gain. I limp out the cramped, damp building an sigh in relief. Fresh air. I take a deep breath and look around, slowly carrying Michael into the alley way near by and slump down as I hold him close. "M-Mikey please wake up. I need you to be alright.." I slowly lay down on the ground, holding Michael close. I know it's not safe to have him out here but I have no where to go. I just need to rest a bit then we can start moving again. I slowly begin to let my eyes close letting out a quiet yawn.

~Michael's P.O.V~
I wiggle my nose before sitting up and rubbing my eyes. Did I do it? My head hurts and it's cold. I look down to see Master Calum lying on the ground next to me. I must've, unless I'm dreaming. I smile and let him sleep, getting up and peeking my head out from the alleyway to see two figures automatically start rushing towards me. "Mikey... You're up. You did amazing." Mummy picks me up and spins me around. I giggle and cuddle into him. He hands me to daddy and I cuddle into him while he rocks me gently. Mummy picks up Master Calum, causing him to groan and stumble along beside mummy as we walk towards the biggest and nicest looking building around here. Once inside I look around the large entrance way, it's a lot grander than even back home. Daddy ruffles my hair. "C'mon squirt we're going the more hidden way." He carries me through a small wooden door into a more ugly, rougher part of the house. I frown slightly at how cramped it is as Daddy carries me up the small set of stairs and then along the corridor to the second door on the left. He slowly opens it and sets me on the bed. "I have a room here too!?" I smile and cuddle into the bed. It's the most comfiest thing I've ever sat on. Daddy giggles and ruffles my hair, "afraid not sweetie, this is Calum's room." My eyes widen and I sit up. I made a mess of Master Calum's bed. He'll get mad at me. I don't want Master Calum to shout. He's sick.

~Calum's P.O.V~
I look up towards the main staircase of my father's house. Why did they bring me back here? He'll probably hand me back in. I can't go back there. Michael needs me. Ashton helps me towards the stairs and I try to stop him weakly when I hear the sounds of my father storming down the stairs. Great. Just what I need. "Ah there he is. We've been waiting for your arrival." My father grabs my shoulder before raising his voice to Ashton for no apparent reason. "Get out of my sight! You know you shouldn't be here." "F-Father... He was just trying to h-help.." I groan and try to keep myself standing. Why do I even try to reason with him as of course this ends in a punch to the face. I stumble down the stairs, landing on my ass. "You're in no position to talk to me. Let alone address me as your father. I should really just throw you out on the street. Your mother however doesn't agree and well we sort of need you around at the moment so just go to your room and stay out my way." I groan and pull myself up as I begin to drag/crawl up the stairs and towards my room. Fuck this sucks so much ass. Luke opens the door and lifts me to my feet helping me over to my bed and letting me lie down. I smile softly as Michael crawls up, laying beside me. "Hey little one. How you feeling?" He smiles and nuzzles against me. "But Master Calum have you seen how you look? Wait. I'm sorry Sir please don't... I-I didn't mean too.." "Shh Mikey it's okay. What's happened to you? You're supposed to be my happy little baby." Michael shrugs and curls up on my chest and I don't have the heart to tell him that it really does hurt me. I guess this is my life for now. Laying in bed until I'm back on my feet and basically it's going to suck. I smile softly as Luke leaves us to ourselves, gently kissing Michael's forehead. "Hey little one. You going to stay with me through all this?" He nods excitedly and nudges his nose into my cheek. "I'd love to master Calum! Please!" I giggle and ruffle his hair. "Of course you can cutie." He giggles and cuddles into me. I don't know what really comes over me but I feel myself slowly leaning in towards Michael. I smirk slightly as our lips connect, them both moving in sync. Where the fuck did Michael learn to kiss this good? Like damn that was good. "Master Calum? I love you..." I watch my cute little pet wriggle about the bed, curling up next to me. I honestly don't know what to tell him. No ones ever told me they love me. I only wish I could return that for him though of course that would never happen in this circumstance even if I did remotely like him like that. What am I saying? He probably doesn't even understand what love is. He's a fucking too innocent for that shit. "Me too Michael" I play with his hair gently as he falls asleep on me. Wait what would I do if he does understand? No don't do this to yourself Calum don't get attached.

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