16. 0001

156 12 2

~Calum's P.O.V~

I'm too tired to even get up onto my bed now. Another day. Another beating. Another day of agony. I see now why we have a death sentence cause this is so much worse. I want to die. I'd rather that. Fuck all this pain. I crawl towards my hole of a fucking toilet spewing my guts up into it. I groan and lay down next to my toilet hole, shakily holding my head. Fuck."Hey kid." I hear a whisper coming from the corner. I frown slightly and look towards where the noise was coming from. Surely with a place like this no one would get in or out. But apparently I'm wrong. "Hey snap you head out your arse and listen up." "W-What? Who are you? H-How?" I stammer out words. It hurts to even fucking talk. But I suppose that's better for me cause it's my mouth that gets me in more shit. The man was looking through a small hole in my wall. I swear that wasn't there before but oh well. Maybe I'm becoming blind as well. By the looks of things this man had been here a lot longer than I had. His hair was now dead looking, long and straggly with a beard to match. He also seemed to be covered in various types of scars along with fresh wounds. He was a lot older than me as well. In body wise he looked around the same age as my father who was 28 however I doubt he was as old as him really. I don't know why my father took so long before he had me. I mean usually that's the first thing Kings do right? I mean I can already tell I'll be in no rush to have kids with Alexandria so I guess I can't say much. But he was lucky I'd be thankful to have a girl like my mother. She's always there to listen and help with my problems and she's a good cook and stuff as well; and well I do love my food. "Wait kid, you're who I think you are right?" I groan and nod. "Yeah, unluckily for me I am. You must be 0001? I heard a lot of things being said about you when I was passing the adults when growing up. Some of them seemed really fond of you actually. I don't really know much of what happened though." I man just stared at me intently as if he was studying me. What? Has he never witnessed a beat up guy before? I mean he should look in the fucking mirror. "Uh.. Sorry.. Just you look so much like your mother. She was a good friend of mine. How is she?" Ah I guess he is sort of smart then, knows when I'm pissed off. Wait. Did he say he knew my mother? I didn't even tell him who I am! And plus he wasn't around for my first public showing was he? No by the way everyone's always talked about him he would've been in here. 


Victoria looked at the clock. 11pm. It was time. She grabbed her cloak from the hooks on the wall and put it on before slipping her black flats on. As she left the room she told the guards outside the door that she couldn't sleep and was therefore going for a walk and also that she'd be fetching her maid so she wasn't out alone. Which was a bit of a lie but no one would ever find out. She had spoke to her maid earlier that day when they were alone and if anyone should come and ask her she was with Victoria on this walk. This whole guarding thing was kind of stupid, I mean Victoria was the Queen she should be able to leave her own damn house when she felt like it. She made her way out of the palace gates and towards the dark shadow areas where no one ever goes and stood around waiting. She was early but the first part of her story to the guards had been true in which she couldn't sleep at all. She knew fine well why. It was also the reason this was such a secret meeting as there will be consequences for what she is about to share. She smiled as the figure she'd been waiting for finally arrived. "Alistair.." She whispered softly as she wrapped her arms around him. He returned the favour bringing her in for a tighter hug. "What was so urgent we had to meet like this? If you are caught t-" "No, I will be fine. This is important." Alistair sighed and let go of her. He looked Victoria in the eye as he could tell this was serious and well meant a lot to her. Honestly most people could've figured that due to the fact she already had tears in her eyes. "Al.. I'm pregnant.." He smiled a little and hugged her. "Shouldn't you be telling this to him, I mean I know what we wanted but he is your husband this is between you two?" She shook her head starting to let the tears roll now. " Remember that time before the wedding? This baby might be yours too" Alistair didn't know how to react. Surely not. Surely he couldn't have knocked up his brother's wife. And we'll say his brother isn't exactly the most understanding person, especially after he became king. The two quickly said their goodbyes before Alistair disappeared back where he came from. Their meetings only ever lasted a few moments as neither of them wanted to know what would come if they were caught but the truth was Victoria never liked her now husband, Lucifer all that much however that didn't stop her falling for his much weaker yet kinder and down to earth brother, Alistair. She began to make a sprint back to the palace however had to stop outside to calm her nerves and breathing before she entered once again taking a deep breath she headed upstairs back to her bedroom. However when she got their Lucifer was awake and standing facing out the window. "Nice to see you're home. Just in time as well." She frowned at his words. What did he mean in time? In time for what? She stepped towards him and looked past his shoulder to see what he was watching and he was right she was just in time. Just in time to see Alistair on his knees in front of many of the palace guards. Victoria looked on in horror as he was given the highest punishment available so much so no one had ever been placed there before. Seven months later she gave birth to a rather lively baby boy who was later crowned Prince Calum. Even though till this day when her son was now 21 she still couldn't make out which brother was the father of her child. Though a part of her hoped it was Alistair she knew it was most likely to be Lucifer who had given the boy his blood. 

*end of flashback*

0001 gave me a sad smile and reached his hand through the small hole. "Take my hand for me, please just this once." I furrow my eyebrows slightly confused as to why he'd want anywhere near me knowing it was probably my family that had him put in this miserable place. With thought of possible outcomes I slightly hesitantly and weakly move my arm over to him, putting my hand in his. He smiled at me and gave me a nod. Which was weird as I got some sort of feeling from it. That kind of feeling when you've been away from home for awhile and then you come back and get a massive hug from your family. Yeah something like that just not as strong. I nod back at him before jumping back as the cell door opens. By the sounds of things his had too. I back away trying to show I had no part in this which I didn't he just started talking to me but of course even if they knew I didn't they'd still find fault for me to be punished for it. I'm dragged away to what I expect will be another sort of beating but the sound from the cell next door horrifies me. A gunshot. They killed him there and then. Without even a sign of mercy. 

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