2. Home and Housemates

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Once I enter the apartment the lights are automatically turned on. What? I sit the young boy down on the chair and look over to the wall of windows and see the similar outline of a tall man with a quiff. "Luke? What are you doing here? I told you and Ashton to leave me be!" I somewhat yell the last bit hitting the glasses off the table, smashing them. "Cal? Calum I'm sorry, we were worried about you and we've heard from your father," He stammered, avoiding eye contact with me. I stand and compose myself before saying calmly, "Luke, you have no right questioning me. Yes we are friends but when it comes down to it you and Ashton are my servants" He scrambles over to me bowing "Y-Yes of course Sir and Ashton and I respect that but we were wor-" I groan, rubbing my temples "Enough! Now what was my father wanting?" He nodded quickly "a-a month in a month you are to return to him" I nod "Well I guess I'll come back to London then, thank you Luke." Luke nods and goes to pack my stuff for me. I sit by my new little one and move his hair out his face "Don't think you've found a perfect loving family home, I'm going to keep you for my own uses." The child didn't even seem to take notice of my words he just laid across my lap.

Luke returns, staring at the boy and then looks up at me "W-Who's that?" "He's just a kid I found on the street, I'm going to bring him back to London with us and clean him up a bit" Luke quickly nodded and picked the child up "he's kinda cute I guess, we just gotta clean him up a bit.." This made the boy squeal and cuddle into Luke and playing with his hair. I laughed as Luke groaned trying to stop him. I lifted him off of Luke "No little one we don't do that" I make sure Luke as my bags and grabs onto him, holding the boy close teleporting us back to my mansion in London.

"ASHTON!!" I yell as Luke takes my stuff upstairs to unpack for me. The tall curly haired, demon comes out of one of the rooms and runs up to me. "Calum! Where the hell have you been? We were so worried when you up and left! You know your father would have our throats if something happens to you!" I chuckle at Ashton's father like words, hugging him with one arm. He worries way too much I'm fine nothing bad is going to happen to me. I smirk and hand him the boy "go make my new pet presentable will you?" I don't wait for an answer and heads upstairs to get myself changed. Ignoring the whines and whimpers coming from behind me; that's Ashton's problem now.

~Kitsune Boy's P.O.V~

Master Calum seems amazing; I love his face and his eyes and his hair and his skin and his arms and his... his... um... I don't know. But why is he leaving me? And who is this man? No I want Master Calum! I want him back now! I hit on the curly haired man's chest, whining and tears falling down my cheeks. Not to much affect as I see Master Calum disappearing upstairs. The man holds my wrists. His hands are huge! He whispers to me "Now, now there is no need for that, you're just wasting your own energy..." I try not to listen to him and stare up at where Calum had disappeared. The man watched me; I could feel his gaze. "This isn't gonna get him to come back down, he's not gonna want to see you until you are nice and clean okay? Now come with me and we'll make you into a pretty boy and then you can cuddle him deal?" I look up at him and smiled, nodding my head. He carried me down the long hallway, setting me down in a rather large, white room. He took off Master Calum's shirt and started to rub some wet stuff on my chin (A/N: it's an anti-septic cream Michael just has no idea what anything is). I whimper, backing away. "LUKE!?" The man shouts, hurting my ears. The other boy from before runs into the room, "What Ash?" "He keeps moving and I'm trying to clean his cut." The man pouts, looking at Luke. He sighs and grabs my arms pulling me over to a white seat. But it's not a seat; it has a hole in the middle and there is water at the bottom. He sits me on it and takes off his belt, tying my wrists to the sides of this thing I'm sitting on. Ashton nods and skips over to me, dabbing water on my face. Luke chuckles at my disgusted reaction and walks to the door "I've gotta make dinner before Calum eats me, see you tonight Ash?" "Yes of course Luke but I might be awhile here."

Once Luke leaves Ashton gets to work scrubbing the dirt of my body while I squirm against the restraint of Luke's belt. He sighs after getting the years worth of mud off me and then picks up sharp, shiny thingys with a blue handle. He grabs a hold of my hair and starts to cut bits off until it is short enough for no knots. Once he lets go I feel tears forming as I look around at my hair scattered on the floor. He smiles sadly at me and undoes the belt on my wrists. He picks me up and carries me out of the strange white room and upstairs.

Master Calum! I jump from Ashton's arms onto Calum's lap and hugging him tightly. "WHAT THE FUCK!? Get down! This instant!" He shouts at me. I whimper not wanting to upset him and sit on the floor in front of him and smiling up at him. "Ashton? Why hasn't it got clothes on?" Ashton stood by Calum's side. "Well Sir what should I put on him? We only have things from your past visitors and we both know they aren't meant for him.." I watched the two talk about me. What past visitors? He's my Master Calum! I love him! Calum gave Ashton a questioning look "And? I don't care if you have to wrap him in paper just get the ugly sight of his nakedness out my face!" Ashton nodded and picked me up mumbling "Like something as stupid as this little one knows the difference."

What is that supposed to mean? I flop my ears down and let Ashton carry me away to a small room with a big set of drawers and a wardrobe in it. Am I really ugly? No... I've got to look pretty for Master Calum. That's what Ashton told me! He ruffles my hair and grabs out a small white dress from the wardrobe "I'm sorry little man but these are the only things we have, all our stuff is much too big for you and well there has never been any other males in the house other than us so you have to wear these dresses okay? I'm sure we'll find something else soon." He pulls the dress on over my head and puts my arms in place, zipping up the back and patting it down. Before standing me in front of the mirror. "There. You actually look very cute. Now lets go see where you'll be sleeping okay?"

As we leave the small cupboard like room a new pair of hands wrap around my waist. Master Calum! I squeak cuddling into him and licking his cheek. "NO! Stop that!" He throws me down on the ground. I whimper and crawl away as fast as I can, I hear Ashton shouting after me but I don't care. Why is Master Calum so angry? I was trying to be nice; I want to thank him.

My face comes into contact with something solid. I look up and see Luke in front of me. "Hey little one. Where you going? Dinner is this way." Luke picks me up and carries me into another new room; where Master Calum is already sitting it the table. "Calum? Where you want him? We could feed him downstairs if you like?" Master Calum shook his head, "I would say he could eat with me, he is a guest after all however after what I've just experienced tonight he will eat like he is. An animal. Go collect the old bowls and place his food and drink in them, he'll eat from them over there" I follow Master Calum's gaze to the corner. If that makes him happy I guess I'll do it. I don't know how to use the fancy shiny things he has anyway.

I hop down from Luke and go to the corner as my food is set down. I eat as quickly as I can, using only my mouth. I'm only half way through when I'm picked up off the floor. "We can't have you getting greedy now can we?" Master Calum holds me into his chest and carries me through to the double doors at the end of the corridor. "You'll be sleeping in here with me." I jump down from his arms and climb up on the huge soft bed in the middle of the room, curling up in the middle of it and nuzzling into it. "Um excuse me?" Calum's voice makes my head snap up. I smile at him and swish my tail hoping for approval. "Get down! That's not your bed... I meant in the same fucking room not in my bed!" I whimper and jump down on the floor, flopping one ear down. "Basket. Now!" He takes his clothes off so he's down to boxers only and climbs into his bed before turning the light out.

I look around the rather large room, crawling over to the blankets in the corner and laying on them. I whimper quietly in the darkness. I don't like it here. It's just the same; I'm still alone in the dark. I toss and turn, crying silently into my tail. What's wrong with me? Why do I hurt people? Why does everyone get mad at me? I look over to Master Calum sleeping. I promise to do better tomorrow. I want to make you see how thankful I am and maybe even understand why you act like this towards people and maybe even fix it if I can. If not, I don't know what I can do to make Master Calum happy. I know he's hurting too.

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