15. Lonely

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~Michael's P.O.V~
I rub my eyes and climb out of bed, I've been with Rachael a few days now. I have to say I do like it here. She takes me for walks in the woods and I get to see the rabbits and birds and badgers and fish and yeah there is also foxes! I want to see one. A real one. I mean I'm kinda one right? I don't really know what I am if I'm honest but from what I've heard with people talking I am one. But I want to see a real one. I skip through the house towards the kitchen where the smell of these amazing things called pancakes are being cooked. It's my new discovery here and I love them! I climb up on the counter and smile waving at Rachael. "Morning love, sleep okay?" I nod and smile shyly. I look around and come to the conclusion that Rachael's husband; who I found his name is Peter has already left for work. Rachael ruffles up my messy bed hair and sets my plate down next to me. "We going out again today mr?" I grin and nod "pleasepleasepleaseplease!" She laughs and shakes her head, "You don't get out too much do you? Now c'mon eat up so you can be all big and strong when Lukey comes back for ya." I smile and start stuffing my face with the pancakes. I've never ate so much in my life but I don't want to disappoint daddy. He's expecting me to be good and yeah I will be. I jump down from the counter and carry my plate to the sink, cleaning it and placing it on the side to dry. I smile and climb on Rachael's back. I don't have any clothes here so I've just got this one shirt that belongs to Peter but there's no shoes that fit me so when we've been going our walks Rachael's had to carry me. I kind of feel bad but at the same time not really because it's kind of comforting. She smiles and carries me out the back door. "Remember and let me know when you get cold love." I nod and close my eyes as the wind blows through my hair. I giggle and open my eyes again, cuddling into Rachael as we enter the woods. I smile as the birds start chirping and singing. It's so calm here I love it. I wish it could be like this all the time, with mummy and daddy and of course Master Calum. I just really miss him... Can he please come home soon? Is that too much to ask for? I sigh and look down, smiling a little at the rabbits peeking out their hole and giggle slightly as they dart past us. "T-they're so cute.. Rachael?" "Yeah sweetie?" "C-Can you leave me alone for a little bit? I-I just want some air.." Rachael nods and sets me on the ground, kissing my forehead. "Stay close okay?" I nod and watch her as she walks back towards her house, disappearing from sight. As soon as I'm alone I find the thickest tree I can and start clawing my way up towards a stable, not too high branch. It's not easy with bare hands, no muscles and having nothing on my feet. I wriggle myself up onto my selected branch and leaning back against the trunk. I let out a small sigh and let my tail hang down flickering from side to side. I probably could've went higher but I really wanted to keep watching that family of rabbits I've seen everyday while I've been here. I frown slightly and poke at the plasters and bandages on my body, it's not normal to have to deal with this many injuries is it? And I don't understand why I need all this stuffs. I never got anything before and I was well... Okay... I sniffle slightly and bring my knees to my chest and then from nowhere begin sobbing into them. I miss home. I don't wanna be here anymore. I wanna be back with daddy and mummy and our cuddles and the smiles and the laughter. They happy times. I want to tell them I love them and to thank them for all they've done and risked for me. But I'm never there to help them. I don't understand why they do so much for someone who can never give them anything back in return. But we'll never go back to the happy times we spent together. Not unless... Master Calum.. The thought of him makes the hot tears flowing from my eyes and down my face 1000x worse. I begin to shake slightly as I sob into my knees. What happened to him? He'd never stand for any of this! I thought he was always going to protect me... What if he's hurt? I wanna help. I can't really do anything but I still want to give my all just like mummy and daddy would do. My sobs are silenced by the snapping of a twig. I lift my head and wipe my face staring down at the woodland floor in search for the source of the noise. I slide down the tree back to the ground as I stare in front of me in amazement. There by a bunch of logs and leaves; a fox. It still looks pretty young surely it's mother is around somewhere? I crouch down onto my hands and knees, swishing my tail up in the air. The fox cub stops dead in it's tracks, staring at me. I whimper and lay on the ground, rolling on my back in submission to show I'm not a threat. I grin as it runs up to me, sniffing me. I giggle quietly as it licks me. "H-hello.." I whisper softly to it, patting it's head. I look down sadly as the fox runs off startled by the noises come from deeper in the woods. I brush myself down before standing up and running back towards the house to tell Rachael what had just happened. I was going to leave out the part where I was crying of course, even though my face kinda gives it away.

It was 10pm. I'd been bathed, fed and allowed to sit out the front. Now however was time for me to go to sleep. I didn't really have a bed time here as such but I'd rather go to bed early anyway, since who knows when daddy's going to come back for me. Peter was back now and didn't exactly seem thrilled to see I was still here. He doesn't seem to like me very much... I don't know what I did to him. I crawl into bed and lay in the middle. I insisted they get there bed back so now the three of us will be sharing the double bed. Rachael lays next to me, comfortingly stroking my hair. "Might as well be letting a wet dog sleep in our bed... He fucking stinks." I whimper at Peters words, trying to cover my ears. "Not to mention what he is." "Stop. He's just like any other child; he's not an animal he can hear and understand you. You're not helping with how scared and sensitive he is!" "Except he's not a child is he? Look at him, sure he's short but he's what? 16 or 17? Having him sleep with us is just fucking weird." "He doesn't know that! God what's your problem!?" "Cause he should be out there! To be hunted!" I sniffle and get up, climbing over Rachael and running out and through the front door, sitting on the porch. It's not fair! I just wanna be normal... I whimper as I look at the half open bag laying there, I poke it slowly and out falls the most horrific thing I've seen. The fox cub from this morning... Laying covered in blood, a bullet hole straight to the chest. Why would anyone do that? I cry silently and back away, running back inside, slamming and locking the door. I curl up under the seat, crying myself into a restless sleep.

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