Chapter 1: Urgent Call

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-Y/N's POV-

It was now morning, and I was immediately blinded by the sunlight that is coming through the blinds of my window.

I reckon that I forgot to close my blinds last night because I kind of slept late last night.

Anyways, I was trying to cover my face with my blanket but it was no use.

I was already awake. And even though I wanted to go back to sleep, I couldn't.

So I tried my best to get up from my bed and to do some stretching.

Once I got up, I immediately yawned to the point my mouth was a little bit larger than expected.

Before going to wash the sleep out of my face, I first fixed my bed cause let me tell you; it's kinda messy.

As I was done fixing my bed, I headed straight for the bathroom to wash the sleep out of me.

I got out from the bathroom and immediately heard some voices from downstairs.

I think my parents are already awake.

"Huh, seems pretty early for them to be awake" I said to myself.

I was always the first one to wake up before my parents, but seems like they were the first one today.

I wondered, what are they doing at this time of hour?

So, I exited my bedroom and went downstairs to check the commotion.

And just as I expected, it was indeed my parents, talking in quite hushed voices that I couldn't actually hear what they were saying.

I greeted them once I headed down the last step "Good morning mom and dad!" I said to them and greeted them both with a kiss on the cheek.

"Oh good morning honey!" said my mom.

"You woke up pretty early, I see..." my dad said, who's helping himself to some coffee.

"Yeah, I forgot to close my blinds last night so basically the sun hit me right in the face" I said now grabbing some toast from a nearby plate.

Both my parents laughed at this statement, and I laughed as well.

Being an only child is kind of lonely, but I'm really happy being with my parents.

They tried their best to give me the best life I could have, they took care of me, and of course we have a lot of fun over the years.

There was even one time, that me and my mom pranked my dad by putting powder into his blow dryer.

And believe me, he was furious, but we just laughed it all out and had some fun instead.

I glanced over the clock that was hanging on top of the couch and it read that it was already 9:30 AM.

I finished the last of my toast, and I volunteered that I would be the one to wash the dishes.

"Oh honey, are you sure?" my dad asked me who was also about to do the same thing.

"Oh dad, it's alright I'm okay with it. Besides, I'm only doing some chores rarely, so let me do it"

My dad chuckled and he sat back down.

I headed where the sink was and started to wash the plates.

As I started washing, my parents whispered once again. This time I could hear some glimpse of their voices.

"...we should do it probably later in the evening" my dad said.

"Should we at least do it in the afternoon? Y/N would probably be asleep once we get home" my mom said trying to keep her voice as low as possible.

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