Chapter 4: Let Me Help You

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-Y/N's POV-

Without hesitation, I broke down into tears and ran to hug Alan.

I just don't know what came over me, but I feel like a hug could make it feel better.

I sobbed uncontrollably into his chest, I think he's okay with it cause he didn't move.

He wrapped his arms around me and hugged me.

This feeling...

I felt like I haven't been hugged in ages.

Minutes in and he whispered softly "shh, shh it's alright. It's alright"

I pulled away from his chest to look up at him. He looked down at me with sweetness in his eyes, it made me almost melt onto his gaze.

Although he seems real, there was one question that came into my mind "are you real?" I asked him.

He just smiled and said "I'm a spirit guide. Like I said from the beginning, I'm here to help you. You seem to need it"

I looked into his hazel eyes and just nodded "well, you're right about that. It's been 3 days since my parents passed, I've been feeling down lately..."

"Let me help you..." Alan whispered with his arms still wrapped around me in hug.

"I'll accept anything" I replied with the same tone.

We pulled away from the hug and we sat down into the couch, it's feels strange having Alan here in my house but nonetheless it made me feel a little bit better.

It's been 3 days being alone in this house, and now I guess my prayers have been answered.

They sent someone, not just someone, they sent Alan Rickman to help me cope up with... everything.

Even though I'm happy to have him here I'm still a bit shy. It's like going to a party; you get excited once you've arrived but then you get all shy because of the intensity of the crowd having fun all night.

We sat in silence for what seemed like hours but in reality it's just minutes.

It wasn't an awkward silence but a comfortable one.

"It's already night time, don't you have plans to go to sleep?" Alan suddenly asked.

I looked at him "if you know what I've been through, I wouldn't sleep like this time early. I always sleep really, really late. Sometimes I don't even sleep at all. Every time I closed my eyes, I see my parents..." I told him while twiddling with my thumbs. It's a habit of mine when I'm nervous or shy.

He nodded and stood up suddenly and making his way to the kitchen "where are you going?" I asked when he reached the kitchen counter and he just simply replied "I'm gonna make you some milk. It will help you if you can't sleep" and then he started to look through the cabinets for the milk.

I smiled at this gesture. My parents usually do that too when I told them that I couldn't sleep.


I woke up in the middle of the night without any particular reason.

I just couldn't sleep. No matter how hard I tried to do so, I just couldn't.

I walked out of my bedroom and walked my way towards my parents' bedroom.

The lights were all out so I'm really being careful not to make any noise so that I couldn't wake my parents up abruptly.

I opened to the door to their bedroom and peeked in. The windows were slightly closed so some of the moonlight were shining inside the room.

I walked towards my mom's side of the bed and gently woke her up "mom? Mom..."

"Mmm, yes honey?" She asked in a sleepy voice "I couldn't sleep" I simply said.

"Is that so?" She asked me and I nodded. She opened her eyes a little bit and smiled at me. "Aww, my baby couldn't sleep. Here, come. I'll make you some milk"

She made her way out of the bedroom and I followed suit. I turned on the lights in the kitchen so that we could get a clear view on where we're going.

After some time, she finally made the milk and gave it to me.

I drank it and it tasted really good. After drinking the glass I made a yawn, the effects were pretty effective.

"Do you want to sleep now?" My mom ask making her way towards me.

"I actually do like to sleep now..." I answered, still yawning a little bit.

I made my way to my bedroom and fell asleep once my head hit the pillow.

-End of Flashback-

I was brought back to the present just in time for Alan to place the glass of milk in front of me.

"Here you go" he said placing the glass onto the table. "Thank you" I said to him while grabbing the glass of milk and drinking it.

Once finished, the effects started to kick in immediately once again. After finishing the last bits of milk I started to yawn.

"Seems like it worked" Alan said with a little bit of amusement in his tone "well I guess you have to go to sleep now" he added.

I nodded and made my way to my bedroom feeling already drowsy.

And just like before, I fell asleep immediately when my head hit the pillow.

Still sleeping, I heard the sound of my bedroom door opening. I didn't want to wake up cause maybe once I wake up I won't be able to sleep again.

I felt my bed sink on one side, and then I felt my blanket started to cover me up. I was now feeling a little bit warm now, it's a really nice feeling considering the air conditioning was a little bit too cold.

Without thinking I said something to whoever that person was "thank you..." and then sleep started to consume me. But not before I heard a "you're welcome" from that person.

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