Chapter 6: An Unexpected Feeling

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-Y/N's POV-

We sat on the couch for a couple more minutes before I stood up to head to the bathroom cause I wanted to do my business all of a sudden.

"If you'll excuse, I'll just go to the bathroom" I said. Alan gave a curt nod and I started to make my way to the bathroom which was just outside my bedroom door.

But just as I was about to take another step forward, I suddenly tripped over the carpet floor.

My arms shot out ready to steady myself as I am about to hit the floor.

But as I shot my arms out, and closed my eyes ready to meet the floor, I was stopped mid-air.

I opened my eyes and looked up.

Alan was holding onto me just as I was about to fall on the ground. His hands on my waist, clutching it tightly but gently, being so careful, to not let me go.

We stayed like that for a moment, looking into each other's eyes. Hazel eyes meeting my brown ones, as our faces were almost inches away.

But just as the gap was about to close, which I could literally feel his breath near my lips, I cleared my throat and stood up adjusting my pajamas and my hair.

Alan did the same but he was looking around the house trying not to meet my gaze.

Could you stop being so clumsy?!

I thought to myself angrily. "I, uhmm..." I started in which my voice was a little bit shaky.

"I think I should go now..." I finally muttered. Alan nodded and called out saying "Be careful! Try not to trip on your way!"

Luckily the trip to the bathroom was alright. No slippery floors for me to trip, and I was literally watching my every step.

I opened the door to the bathroom and closed it softly behind me.

I stood against the door, closing my eyes and breathing in deeply.

My body wanted to do business in this bathroom already, but my mind wondered back to that moment where I was in Alan's arms.

The way he held me, the way he looked into my eyes, and the way our lips almost met...

I smiled at the thought and a question popped up in my head, thinking: what would it feel like to feel his lips on mine?

No. Y/N you've just met the man for like what? It hasn't even been 2 days yet, it's not appropriate to think such things...

And a horrible thought shot through me like a bullet.

Did I just develop feelings for this man?

At this rate, I opened my eyes and brought my hands to my face, covering it up to hide my squeals.

Eventually, I calmed down after a minute or two and removed my hands that were covering my face and did what I meant do in the first place.

I unlocked the door to the bathroom and head towards the living room. Still lucky to see Alan, who was sitting in the couch with his legs crossed over the other.

He saw me making my way towards the couch and he moved over for me to have space to sit in.

The amount of space that separates us is a good amount, but I guess I'll just have to move closer whenever I feel like it. Or maybe he would feel uncomfortable with that, so I guess I'll just stay were I am.

"Thanks" I said as I made myself comfortable. "I usually trip whenever I got up from this couch" I added, smoothing out the couch.

"I sometimes did the same" Alan said. "When you make yourself comfortable, and if you stand up you would just immediately head back down to where you were"

I laughed at that remark. "That's so true! I once was lying on this couch and when I got up so suddenly I literally just fell back down to the couch" I laughed again in which resulted in Alan doing the same.

We laughed about the things we talked about, we also told some stories, about ourselves and what we would like to do on a daily basis.

But then came the topic of... my parents.

"You know when I was little, I sometimes couldn't sleep at night. So I made my way to my parents' room and woke them up gently. They usually give me milk if I couldn't sleep and it always works" I said reminiscing the the good old times. "I also was happy the night you appeared and when I mentioned I couldn't sleep you did the exact same thing what my parents would do" I added.

Alan listened intently to my stories about my past. Whether it's about myself or about my parents. It's good to know that I have someone to talk to considering that these last few days I was all alone trying to cope up with the stress and anxiety that I was feeling after the passing of my parents.

I once started to lose hope that my life wouldn't be better now that my parents are gone, but it seems like the universe doesn't want my life to be miserable.

So what happened is that all of a sudden, Alan Rickman was standing right in front of me.

All the more reasons to be happy about it, my life began to be a little bit better now that he's here to comfort me in anyway he can.

"I'm glad that you're coping well" Alan said. Let's just say that the space between us is getting closer and closer.

"I am. I guess there are more important things in life than to just mope up in a corner and cry about the things that has already happened" I said, at this rate, the gap between us is almost so close that our legs are about to touch.

I turned to look at Alan, only to see that he was already looking at me. We looked into each other's eyes, not wanting to move.

It seems to be getting hot in here, is it?

But just as the cricket was about to make another sound, I suddenly wrapped my arms around Alan, and gave him a big, warm hug.

Alan was quite shock to receive this, but nonetheless he returned it. "Thank you..." I muttered.

"There's no need to thank me, Y/N" Alan said.

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