Chapter 11: Where Have You Gone?

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-Y/N's POV-

Singing has been apart of my life ever since at a very young age, I would even sometimes sing for my parents whenever they are feeling tired from work or maybe for just the fun of it.

Sometimes my parents would even join me when I sing, and we would laugh and sing along to songs.

It was one of the most happiest moments of my life, I am really glad to have precious memories with my parents, and I am glad that I have at least spent a little more time before that accident has happened.

After singing with Alan, it was there that I have realized that I have to cherish every moment that I have with the person I'm spending it with.

Who knows? Maybe one day I'm going to wake up, and he won't be by my side anymore...

We sat down in the couch after we have calmed down, we probably enjoyed it a little bit too much because as we sat down, we started to laugh.

"That was amazing." I said to Alan who was sitting beside me. "You have a wonderful voice, you know?" He said. I smiled at that remark. "I usually sing whenever my parents would come home from work when they are tired, they told me singing helped them relieve the stress they are feeling. I am glad that I could help my parents in any way I can." I said, reminiscing the time I had with my parents back then.

"You know, I have never felt this much happiness ever since that incident. But when you came, my entire world has changed. You helped me become the person I was before, happy, cheerful, and most importantly a loving person who learns how to love myself. I wanted to thank you Alan, you've been a great help for me." I said this as I was moving a little bit more closer to him to rest my head upon his shoulders.

"I am glad that I have helped you. You've been so sad to the point you are not taking care of yourself anymore. Would your parents be happy if they found out that you have been not taking care of yourself? Your parents would be sad, they wanted you to be happy even though they wouldn't be by your side anymore." Alan said as he huddled me closer, my head now completely resting on his shoulder.

"You are worth living Y/N." Alan added.

"Thank you, Alan..." My eyes wanted to close, and I had no choice but to let sleep totally consume me.

-Alan's POV-

I felt my right shoulder getting a little bit heavy, I looked to my right side, and I saw Y/N fast asleep on my shoulder.

I smiled at the mere sight of her, she has suffered a lot ever since her parents has passed. I guess that was one reason why I have been brought here: to help her.

I gently lifted her from the sofa to carry her in my arms, she shifted a little but didn't wake up.

I carried her to her bedroom and laid her on her bed. I covered her sleeping form with her blanket over her. I was about to leave the room but then I remembered something.

I looked over to her study table and saw a notepad with nothing written on it, a pen was also next to it.

I took a seat, and I quietly tore a notepad. I grabbed the pen and started to write something in it.

I guess this would be it...

I finished the note and folded it and placed it at the bedside table near Y/N.

It would be quite rude if I wouldn't spend it this night, so I quietly joined her and pulled the covers over me. She shifted her position, and she suddenly flung an arm around my torso. I resist the urge to laugh at that. I held her hand in mine and then suddenly felt my eyes get a little heavy.

-Y/N's POV-


I woke up by stretching my arms and yawning. My eyes are still closed so I haven't looked around, where was I anyways? The last thing I remembered was that I have fallen asleep on Alan's shoulder last night. I opened my eyes slowly as to be careful cause maybe the sun has now completely risen and has shone over the depths of my surrounding.

I now noticed that I am in my bedroom, and I was wrapped around my blanket. I sat up, and looked around, seems like the sun hasn't risen up completely yet. Confused but ready for the day, I flung my blanket over my side and stood up from the bed. Of course, I couldn't forget fixing my bed before carrying on with the day, so I did that before going to the bathroom to wash the sleep off my face.

I closed the door to my bathroom and made my way to the sink, I opened the tap and washed my face. I closed the tap and looked at my reflection through the mirror in front of me. I smiled, memories from yesterday came flooding back. I remembered that I had a wonderful time with Alan that day, we sang, we talked, and much more, I guess.

And of course, I couldn't forget about my confession, never have I ever thought that I would confess to a person this quick, I mean, I have met the man just a few weeks, but I guess it has been already long enough since I have been in his company.

Speaking of which, all I could hear were the birds chirping around, usually at this time of hour, Alan would be cooking, or he would call out whenever it is ready.

I exited the bedroom and started to make my way towards the dining room, since that's where he usually is every morning.

I was at once greeted by the aroma of what seems like eggs, bacon, and toast. Of course, it was my favorites.

I happily skipped my way to the kitchen table to greet Alan, but as soon as I reached the kitchen, my face contorted into a confused frown.

Strange, he's not here...

Still confused, I sat down cautiously as if I'm expecting a surprise. Looking around, I sat down.

I ate my breakfast in silence, sad to see the fact that Alan wasn't here to join me for breakfast, I guess this was the first time I haven't had breakfast with him.

Even after breakfast, he still isn't here. Is he hiding somewhere? I thought to myself as I washed my plate slowly.

After washing the dishes, I retreated back to my bedroom to get a nap maybe...

I laid down on my bed looking up at the empty ceiling that is above me. I turned to look at my bedside table, and that's where I noticed a note that is neatly folded with the words: 'Read Me'

Curious to know what the contents of the note were, I opened it without hesitation. The moment I unfolded the note, I almost teared up.

Dearest (Y/N),

I apologize for leaving so suddenly, but there was not enough time for me to explain my departure in detail. I found you the first night aggrieved, crying, and alone. All of it was just too much for you to handle, and I couldn't bear for you to carry that emotional burden by yourself. All I could do is give you the love and comfort you deserve, especially when your world collapsed within a single night. You deserve all the happiness in the world, even if I may not be the one to give it to you. I treasure every moment we spent together these past few weeks, from watching movies to cooking together. And what can I say about you? You are beautiful when you laugh, and adorable when you sleep. Perhaps you could consider me your guardian angel? If that is the correct term for that. Even if you can't find me, I will always be watching over you. Now that you have learned to take care of yourself, my mission is complete. When you confessed that you truly loved me last night, it hurt me even more that I would not be able to stay with you forever. Please don't be upset about my absence. Instead, remember all the time we spent together and continue looking ahead. Perhaps, regretfully, this is farewell. There is, however one last thing I want to leave you with:

I love you, (Y/N) (Y/LN): truly, madly, deeply.

Yours truly,
Alan Rickman

And also, thanks to Luminescence124 for helping me out with the letter ✨

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