Chapter 9: Put Your Head on My Shoulder

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-Y/N's POV-

*Rooster Sounds*

I was woken up by the sounds of the rooster coming from the outside of my house. I slowly opened my eyes and looked around. Luckily, it was only 7:00 AM (according to my alarm clock that was on my bedside table), so the sun wasn't completely up because once again I have forgotten to close the blinds of my windows.

I was about to get up from bed when I noticed a pair of arms wrapped around me. Turns out I was cuddled up with Alan during the night, I smiled at his figure. His breathing was slow, and calm. I slowly laid back down beside him and continued to stare at his face.

I shifted my position into a comfortable one, but to my luck, it awoken Alan. He shifted for a few seconds before slowly opening his eyes. "Mmm, good morning, little bunny. How was your sleep?" he asked. Gosh, his morning voice is just *chef's kiss* I took a deep breath before answering "good morning, Alan. My sleep was good. Just noticed being cuddled up in your arms made my sleep even better. How about you? Did you sleep well?"

Alan chuckled at my response. "Good to know that you've slept well. And you're right, my sleep was good" Alan said, and I nodded.

I suddenly frowned at the nickname Alan has used.

Dad used to call me bunny...

To my dismay, Alan has noticed, and I quickly tried to hide it, but not before he asked a question. "Y/N are you alright?" he asked in a concerned tone. I quickly hid the frown that was on my face, and I plastered a small smile "I'm okay Alan, don't worry" I said, "are you sure?" "I'm sure" I gave him a reassuring smile telling him not to worry, and that I am okay.

I withdraw from his arms and rest my head onto the headboard of my bed. Alan got up from his side of the bed, swung hit legs over the bed, and made his way towards the door of my bedroom. But before leaving, he turned back towards me and gave me a small kiss on my forehead "I'm going to make us some breakfast, I'll call you when it's ready" he said before leaving my bedroom and closing the door softly.

I sighed. I swung my legs over my bed and stayed there for a while, yawning, and doing a little bit of stretching. I got up from bed, and of course before heading to the bathroom I quickly fixed my bed before doing so.

I made my way towards the bathroom, leaving the bathroom door open so that I could hear Alan's voice calling out if breakfast is ready.

I opened the tap and washed the sleep off my face. After doing so, I dried myself with a face towel that was hanging just beside me.

The things he is doing is making me remember my parents. My dad would always call me 'bunny', and sometimes my mom would give me a kiss on the forehead before leaving the bedroom. It's making me remember them more. It is making me miss them more...

"Y/N breakfast is ready!" my thoughts were cut off by Alan's voice calling my name. I quickly yelled a 'coming!' before checking myself in the mirror and fixing myself.

I sighed and exited my bedroom. Just as I have stepped outside the room I was quickly greeted by the scent of bacons, eggs, and toasts that is wafting through the air. I took a deep breath, savoring this.

I made my way towards the kitchen area to see that Alan is beginning to plate the bacon and eggs. "Oh Y/N good you're here. Please take a seat breakfast is almost ready" he said looking over his shoulder.

I sat down at the dining table, seeing that plates were already placed properly onto the table. Alan made his way to the dining table, the plate of bacon and eggs on his hands. I took a deep breath once again "mmm! this smell delicious...", Alan chuckled "thank you, now come on let's dig in, before they will get cold"

-Time Skip to Afternoon (Almost Sunset)-

Here I am standing in front of a window overlooking the sky seeing the sun setting. I always find that looking at sunsets are quite relaxing.

I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath, and once again thinking about my parents.

I see them in my thoughts every time I close my eyes, we were having so much fun, laughing, giggling, and running around the house playing tag. I silently chuckled at that memory.

I sighed again, opening my eyes, seeing now that the sky is almost dark, the sun hiding behind the mountains on the distance.

I heard someone behind me, of course it's Alan because he is the only one staying with me in my house. I heard him shuffling in the background, seems like he is looking for something I just don't know what.

I kept my gaze towards the sky not minding the shuffling sounds behind me. Until finally the sounds had stopped. And then I heard it; the sound of my vinyl player softly screeching, after some adjustments I can finally hear the all-too-familiar tune coming out of it.

This made me look at Alan, who was looking at the player with full admiration, he then turned his gaze towards me making us lock eye contact for a second. He just smiled at me and then made his way towards me. "Oh Alan..." I said "shh, it's alright. Just take my hand, and dance with me"

After Alan said those words, he held out his hand for me to take it, and I gladly took it with no hesitation.

I rested my head on his chest, my right hand holding his, my other hand on his shoulder, and then I closed my eyes before the first verse of 'Put Your Head on My Shoulder' started playing:

Put your head on my shoulder
Hold me in your arms, baby
Squeeze me oh-so-tight
Show me that you love me too

Put your lips next to mine, dear
Won't you kiss me once, baby?
Just a kiss goodnight, maybe
You and I will fall in love (you and I will fall in love)

People say that love's a game
A game you just can't win
If there's a way
I'll find it someday
And then this fool will rush in

Put your head on my shoulder
Whisper in my ear, baby
Words I want to hear, tell me

At this part of the song, I couldn't help it but to sing along: Tell me that you love me too and to my surprise Alan sang the next part: tell me that you love me too

I lifted my head to look at him, our eyes locking once again. Hazel meeting brown. I smiled softly at him, and he did the same. We put our foreheads together, our smiles not leaving our faces as the song continues:

Put your head on my shoulder
Whisper in my ear, baby
Words I want to hear, baby
Put your head on my shoulder~

The music ends with me still being in Alan's arms. Alan then looked at me with the most beautiful look I have ever seen in my life. After looking into my eyes for a moment, he pulled me into a hug. I hugged him back.

"Thank you, Alan"

"The pleasure is mine, Y/N"

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