Chapter 3: Who Are You?

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-Y/N's POV-

-3 Days Later-

It seems only yesterday that my parents passed away.

No matter what I do, I still couldn't remove the image of their figures lying down on their coffins as they were about to be buried.

It's been 3 days now, and I still can't stop thinking of them.

3 days ago I cried myself to sleep every time. Even though I tried my very best to sleep I just couldn't.

My mom and dad would usually visit my bedroom when I told them that I couldn't sleep and they would either sleep with me or help me get to sleep.

Now, they're not here with me anymore.

The latest I've ever slept was at 3 AM I woke up the next day feeling really light headed and my eyes were having dark circle under them.

Every time I sat in a corner of our house, everything's reminding me of them.

Our moments, and our memories.

The most heart breaking one was the couch; the last time I had cuddled with my parents.

"I miss you mom and dad..." I muttered.

I was all alone now in our house, so I could hear nothing but the birds chirping outside and the voices of the neighbors talking.

Some neighbors came to my house to pay respects. Even though I don't really know much of them, but my mom and dad knew them since they usually go out and talk with them while I stay inside our house.

But nonetheless, I still feel so alone.

How am I going to cope up with this? How am I going to go on? To whom should I ask for advice? And most of all; am I ever going to be happy again?

Those thoughts keep swimming through my mind every time I tried to sleep or do something around the house.

Considering I'm all alone, I have a lot to do around the house now.

I could still remember how we joked about me doing house chores rarely.

The good old times...

I am now laid upon the couch in our living room looking up at the bright white ceiling.

Even through the ceiling I could see their faces, I tried to close my eyes, I still could see them.

I opened them slowly and sat up from the couch.

I suddenly remembered about the two presents from mom and dad.

I took them from my room and retreated back to the living room.

I displayed the presents on the table. Luckily the presents were not damaged whatsoever the wrappers were still in place and there were no signs of scratches or anything that would make the package fall out.

The first gift was from mom. I picked up the present that was the size of my palm and I carefully opened the wrapper.

I was greeted by a box with a white ribbon on top of it.

I opened the box and smiled at it.

It was one of those locket I was dreaming to have ever since.

I always asked my mom whether I could have one like these whenever we passed by a jewelry store at the mall.

The opened the locket and saw a picture of me when I was a baby and my mom and dad on both sides carrying me in their arms, smiling.

I never even knew this picture existed. Maybe she saved it for the surprise that was supposedly had to happen 3 days ago.

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