Chapter 5: A Proper Breakfast

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(*Warning* mention of knife, cut and blood)

-Y/N's POV-

"Wake up..." said a deep voice.

I opened my eyes slowly and saw that Alan was now peering down at me with a smile on his face.

"Come on, it's time for breakfast. I'll be waiting for you in the kitchen" he said, walking out of the room and closing the door behind him.

I sat up then I stretched and yawned at the same time.

I had a very good sleep. Something that I haven't been able to have for days.

I smiled, and looked towards the window. The sun has barely risen from the sky that only bits of light are entering my bedroom.

I flung myself off the bed and started to fix the blankets and everything.

I went to the bathroom to wash the sleep of my face.

I looked at myself in the mirror.

Day 1 since Alan has been with me. I wonder how many days he would be here...

I thought to myself as I am walking out of my bedroom and into the kitchen.

I was immediately greeted by the fresh smell of food that was coming from the kitchen. I wasn't even halfway through the halls and I can already smell the food from here.

I recognized this smell, it has to be my favorite food...

Lo and behold, my thoughts were right. Now displayed on the dining tables were my favorite foods.

I could see that there were scrambled eggs, bacon strips, and toast. I always loved the traditional breakfast.

I smiled at the sight of what I'm seeing and turned to see that Alan was now drying his hands with a towel.

"Hope you like it" he gestured to the table full with food.

"Don't be silly! I love it Alan, thank you. You don't really have to do this though" I said making my way to one of the chairs.

Alan did the same and sat down at the opposite side of me. "Thank you, and don't worry I don't mind doing these kind of stuff" he said.

I helped myself with some eggs and bacon and toast, I felt really good. It's been awhile since I've had a good breakfast like this.

Over the past few days were only consuming bits of bread, cereal, or maybe even nothing.

The thought of cooking for myself has been bugging me quite awhile now. I'm nervous that if I cooked myself dinner or breakfast or anything of some sort, I would just burn the dish or worse, burn the house.

So I would either order takeout, or I would just eat what I have on my cabinets and fridge. Cold or hot it doesn't matter to me.

But now, today is a different day. I got to eat a proper breakfast. With eggs, bacon, and toast.

We ate in silence, nobody spoke since Alan reassured me that I shouldn't worry about him.

Now we were done with breakfast and I was full. I sighed happily in my seat and closed my eyes.

"That was delicious, thank you again" I said looking at him.

"Don't mention it" he said and he smiled.

After arguing on who would wash the dishes, which lasted at least 5 minutes, I got up and gathered up the plates and placed them on the sink to wash them.

I was already at the last plate, a small knife was included, which I didn't noticed, and I cut myself on the finger.

I dropped the plate with a loud bang, luckily the plate landed in the sink and it didn't break.

Alan looked around at what the commotion was and rushed towards me.

"What's wrong?" He asked looking at my bleeding finger.

"Cut" was all I said. I was wincing in pain cause the cut was quite long and I was holding onto it.

"Here..." Alan guided my finger to the sink to rinse off the blood. I winced a little bit but it didn't hurt after most of the blood was washed off.

Alan grabbed some tissues from the kitchen counter and dabbed it in my finger. "Hold this. Where do you keep your first-aid kit?" He asked looking through the cabinets.

"Just above you. You're already at the right cabinet" I said holding the tissues in place.

He spotted the kit and got out the ointment and some cotton to clean the remaining blood. He also got some band-aids out.

He removed the tissues that I was holding, and now dabbing the cotton containing some ointment onto my finger.

I watched him do this. And I smiled at him. Gladly he hasn't notice it.

After putting some ointment on, he got the band-aid and placed them on my wound.

After placing the band-aid, he placed the first-aid kit back to its proper place and turned to me with a concerned look.

"I think I should take over from here" he said. I just nodded and went to the living room to sit on the comfortable couch.

I closed my eyes, that could've gone much worse if he wasn't here to help me.

What would I do without you?

I heard the tap closed, indicating that he must be done washing the remaining dishes that I left.

I felt embarrassed at that moment. And I should admit that I was clumsy for not noticing the knife. Look where that got me.

I felt the couch sink at my side, meaning Alan has joined me in the couch.

I opened my eyes and looked at him. He was looking up but his eyes are closed.

"I'm sorry" I said to him. He opened his eyes and looked at me "there's nothing to apologize Y/N" he said in a sweet voice.

Gosh, that voice always gets me...

I looked towards where my TV was and I stayed silent for awhile.

Another silence has occurred to us, not an awkward one but another comfortable silence.

"Thank you for what you did" I said after a minutes silence.

"For what, exactly?" He asked kindly, looking at me.

"For helping me with the cut on my finger. I wouldn't know what to do at that moment if I was alone" I said looking down in embarrassment.

He chuckled and said "you're welcome, Y/N. Now you know what to do"

I laughed at this remark and he laughed with me. It was a happy moment. Our chats were sometimes short but in the end we are happy.

"It's good to see that you're happy" Alan said after awhile.

"It's been awhile. All thanks to you, you make me happy even through my saddest times" I said looking at him with a smile.

"I help whenever I can" he returned the smile.

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